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Joshua stirs in his sleep, he feels something hard against his head. Eyes still closed he starts roam his hands around the material. "How did couch's cushion got this hard?" He says slowly moving his hands up, stopping when he felt something under his hands. He immediately opens his eyes and sees his hands rested perfectly upon tidies of someone. He looks above to see the owner's face and screams making a horrified face, startling Seokmin. Seokmin gets up, hair standing in every direction, ready to fight whoever intruded his room. When he finds no one he turns towards Joshua, who was sitting still. "What happened hyung? Why did you screamed?" He asks gently tucking joshua's Haris back, Joshua flinches out of his thoughts and Seokmin takes his hand back. Thinking he made the older uncomfortable. "N-Nothing I just a cockroach." He says, eyes casted down, ears, neck and cheeks red.

"Oh I thought someone intruded in room. You scared me. But last time I checked there were no insects in the house?" Seokmin mumbles last sentence, confused. "Yeah it's gone now. Umm how did i got here?" Joshua asks, voice small. "I brought you here. You were sleeping on couch, shivering in cold. Even though I told you to not wait." He says complaining a bit and Joshua just scratches his neck. "I'm sorry I was just worried." Joshua says, voice almost inaudible, if it wasn't for how Seokmin was sitting closer to him. He wouldn't have heard him. Seokmin just smiles in return, heart warming at the thought. "Uhh I'll go now and change you can go back to sleep. You need it." Joshua says getting up from bed and Seokmin nods. Bidding him goodbye he walks out. Cheeks as red as tomatoes.

Taehyung sees Joshua walking out of Seokmin's room with his face being red, he immediately approaches him. "Hey Josh why is your face so red. Don't tell me he did something with you. Tell if he did I'll break his nose." Taehyung says, flying his hands around in boxing motion, while making noises form his mouth. "No nothing like this happened." Joshua assures him and they both started to walk. "Tae did everyone woke up?" He asks as soon as they reached his room. "No still sleeping, it's Sunday today, and they sleep till late. Well except Wonwoo, he is awake and is in Library. I don't know what he finds in there. Just sitting there whole, on Sundays and not even caring about eating or anything." Tae says complaining about Wonwoo's behavior, he was worried for man. Joshua nods at that and bid Taehyung goodbye. He enters his room and goes to change after mumbling, "he needs to change that habit of his."

JEON WONWOO third Oldest son of Mr.Choi from his second wife. Wonwoo had always been a quite kid, alongside Woozi. He has always been observant, and given the less attention. As he was always quite and doesn't knows how to voice his thoughts out, people always thought that he does that to not gain attention. Well a part of this statement was right, but that didn't meant he didn't wanted love and care. He had very less friends because of his introvert nature. So indulged himself in his books. He made them his friends. He loves to read and live every single moment published on the blank page. He found his solace in reading and painting. He loves fill the blank canvas with his feelings. Tho he knows no one's gonna understand the meaning behind them.

Currently Wonwoo was sitting inside their Home library, basically his Library. None of his brothers love to read as much he does and they only visits once in a while. Mostly to find Wonwoo here. He was painting a Canvas.
The gentle strokes of brush molding beautifully In a meaningful Painting. The contrasts of colors made it more alluring to eyes. He eyed the piece he just finished making. When he hears a knock on door. "Come in." He says and sets his brush down. He was sure it would be one of his brothers or Taehyung but then again, his brother don't wake up early on Sundays. He walked out of the specific area to look who has come but he didn't expected his husband to be there at all.
Jisoo knew Wonwoo comes here Every Sunday, most likely everyday but on Sunday he stays here for whole day. But he hadn't come here before, not to look for him. But the. Again maybe he was here to look for a book or something. 'but Jisoo doesn't likes to read' a voice in his mind says and him and he frowns at that. Yeah he didn't liked to read. Then what Is he here for.

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