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Joshua was walking down the hallway making his way to kitchen, he had a really good day with Wonwoo...they both talked about poetry all day and he even painted... talking to someone who has same interest as you is really a good feeling. He felt like they both were in their own little world...Tho he got suspicious stares from his other husbands-well Jisoo's husbands but he still enjoyed himself...

He reached kitchen and went inside,"hey Tae." ...he says as soon as his eyes lands on the said boy. Who was now monitoring the food as per Joshua's request. maybe someone will try to poison them in order to kill them. He still doesn't know who that person is. He haven't heard that voice again. "Hey jos-Jisoo what are you doing here?" Taehyung immediately corrects himself. "Oh just wanted to see what's for dinner tonight." Taehyung nods his head at that and steps aside letting Joshua see the food...."wahh it looks really delicious." Both of them giggle at his comment...

"Umm Tae can we talk I actually wanted to ask you something." Joshua says and Taehyung nods... Taehyung signals the servants to go from there. "What's it?" He asks as soon as they both are left in kitchen alone. "Tae does someone here lives except the servants I've met? I mean is there someone I still have to meet?" Taehyung frowns at that. "I don't quite remember Shua. I think you've met everyone." Tae says and makes a thinking face...Joshua sighs, his last chance to know the person was Taehyung and Taehyung doesn't even know if there is someone Joshua haven't met. "Wait." Taehyung screams making him flinch. "God Calm down Tae, you scared me." ..."hehehe sorry.", Taehyung says sheepishly...

"I think there is someone you haven't met." Joshua's eyes sparkled with the new information. "Who's it?" He asks eager to know the person. "It's Jisoo's bodyguard. He's been on leave since Jisoo fel and well you came. He was with him that day." Taehyung says and Joshua nods at that, he widen his eyes when something hits him. "I think I know who is behind Jisoo's fall and his disappearance." ...."who?" ...."Jisoo's guard" taehyung looks at him with confusion written on his face. "See when Jisoo fell there was only one person who was with him, like you said his guard. I think he's the one who pushed Jisoo." Joshua says smiling happily as if he won some trophy...

"Okay let's say he's the one who pushed Jisoo, but how did you came here and where the hell Jisoo went?" Taehyung asks and Joshua smiles fell off. Taehyung is right how the Fuck he came here in the first place and where the hell Jisoo is?

These questions kept on circling around his head as he prepared his bed to sleep. He sat down on bed when his eyes fell on something on floor. He picked up the small transparent bottle with little red liquid in it. "Huh? What is it? And how did it got in Jisoo's room?" Joshua questions to particularly no one. He inspects the bottle, turning it around. But he still didn't seemed to get what it was. "I'll ask Taehyung tomorrow morning." He says and puts it under his cover, closing his eyes he goes to sleep.

He was about to fell asleep when a knock took his attention. "Come in." He says, slowly getting up, still on bed. In came raven head Choi Seungcheol. Joshua immediately got up from the bed, scared that he might've done something wrong. Or else why would seungcheol will come to meet him..."I came here to inform you that tomorrow morning we're going out of city for a business meeting and it's important to bring your supposes in after, you'll be going with me." Joshua hear him saying and nods, without thinking. He was tok scared to even voice out his answer. Seungcheol stares at him for a good 2 seconds and goes from there. Without saying any goodnight..

Joshua pouts at that but still goes back to sleep....


He walked through the wet grass, with no shoes in his feet. The darkness around him was so deep that if he got lost here, no one would be able to find him ever again. He saw something familiar, he's seen before. And started to follow them....they helped him reach to same cottage he did before. He walked in and found everything the same way it was before...

He stood Infront of fireplace and looked back when he heard rustling. "So you came back?" Lady asks and he sees that she is also dressed in same cloak she was last time they met....he didn't know what to say in return. "I told you to trust no one." She says as she comes closer, walking around in cricle around him, she stops Infront of fireplace and traces her fingers on the wood... "You have to go soon. It's important...You will meet someone you are dreading to." She says and looks at him. "you have found something." He was shocked, if he goes through his memory of last few days he's been here he found nothing. "I I don't think I did." He says...

"You did, just have to look clearly." She says and walks closer to him. "Go save him." She says and he felt himself getting pushed, he looked around and found himself falling off a cliff, with the lady looking down on him from above. He opened his eyes and was now standing in unfamiliar place and it was on fire....

His sockets buldge out seeing the scene infront of him.


Joshua woke up, breathing heavily, his hairs sticking to his forehead because of sweat and tears streaming down his face. He can't unseen the scene he saw in his dream....he immediately gets up and run outside. Reaching a particular room, he opens it, and peeks inside.

Seeing the lump on bed sleeping soundly, made him sigh in relief...He walked back to his room, when he heard the same voice he heard some days ago. He stops in his tracks and slowly goes from where the voices were coming from...

"Everything's settle right?"he heard the same high pitched voice saying.
"Yes everything's settle. He will leave tomorrow morning and won't come back again."....he hears another voice say...
"Tsk poor him, doesn't even know what's waiting for him. I'll kill them all with my own'll pay for what you've done Dear children." Said The same high pitched voice......

"Now go and sleep we can't afford getting caught." And he hears the footsteps fading away. Joshua comes out for dark and look around but finds no one. He was about to turn around to go to his room when something shinny caught his eyes. He crouches down and picks it up, it was a necklace, the pendant in the chain glowing in dark. He sighs and walks back to his room.

He lays down on bed and stares at ceiling, reminding the lady's words. The necklace still in his hands."I told you to trust no one." He repeats them confusedly, realizing something he wides his eyes. The only person he told anything is Taehyung and his boyfriend Jungkook. "Are they?" He asks to no one and now he gets scared, he has to be more cautious. He knows he can't blame them when he hasn't even found anything about them...

Joshua takes a deep breath and his fingers come in contract with something cold. He gets up and picks up the transparent bottle with red liquid he found before and looks at it. When again the lady's words rings in his ears.

"You have found something."
"You did, you just have to look clearly."

The only thing he found is this bottle before the dream that mean this definitely has something to do with the traitor. He looks at the bottle and necklace in his hands,"I'll found you, whoever you are." He says and lays down again..

That night Joshua didn't slept at all. The pictures from his dream kept on flashing infront of his eyes, whenever he closed them....



1) Any guesses what Joshua saw in his dreams except fire?
2) is that lady who comes in Joshua's dream Foe or friend?
3) which character and chapter do you like the most so far?
4) Is Taehyung really a traitor?

Hiii everyone!!!
How are you all?
I updated this story, after I don't know how many days🤭🤭

I hope so you like this chapter...
I Wasn't feeling well so this is all I got to write...
Please share your thoughts about how the story line is going....

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