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It's been a month after the confrontation and the death of Lady Minyoung. To say that boys weren't devastated would be an understatement. They were beyond that. Wonwoo didn't came out of his room for a week, didn't talked to anyone except Joshua who went inside to make sure he ate his food...this kept going on until Jeonghan had enough and he bragged into his room and talked to him. And then Wonwoo came out, Seemed like heart to heart talk did it's work. Mingyu, Minghao and Seokmin were doing better than everyone else maybe because they found out it early. Chan, Seungkwan and Vernon weren't doing any better this whole month, they were hurt and sad, but they surprisingly did well than others and healed themselves.
Soonyoung cried alot, Joshua was there to hold him..
Jihoon stayed in his studio most of the day and when would come home won't talk to anyone. Joshua had enough so he went to his studio and they talked.

Now everything was okay, Boys overcame the hurt and pain they felt, And appreciated what they hand now. Their relationship was going well too, but they still had their regrets. Jungkook was healing too, slowly but surely and there was someone who was helping him, Kim Yugyeom, he is Seokmin's fellow doctor. He met Jungkook when he went to Seokmin a few times for his checkup. And they became friends instantly. It was crystal clear that the former man liked Jungkook more than a friend but he is willing to wait for him. After all losing your only family and your first love isn't easy at all.

"We suck." Minghao says confusing his other brothers. "And why? I mean I ain't disagree we really suck but why?" Jihoon says. "We not only suck but we're idiots too. Like it's been what 6 months? Joshua hyung has been here with us and all this time he did nothing but loved us and showed his affection. I do know we all love him and he knows it too but we should propose him or confess to him properly, don't forget how many he had to suffer just for us." Minghao says and everyone nods their head in agreement. They have to propose him. It's not unknown that their relationship is working so well and blooming into something more beautiful daily but they still have to make Joshua theirs officially.
"I have a plan." Wonwoo says.

Joshua is a person very less people could have in thier life and selfishly they don't wanna give him to anyone else. They love him, and he loves them and now is time to tell that to whole world. Because Joshua is theirs and they are Joshua's.

Joshua was sitting inside his room, reading a book when chan followed by Vernon brag inside it. "Let's go hyung." Chan says holding Joshua's wrist. "But wh-" joshua wasn't even able to finish his sentence as he gets dragged by both youngest of house out of his room. "There is something we have to show you and also something we have to say to you." Vernon says and smiles making Joshua smile too, he nods his head and goes with them.
They reach the backyard of house which was attached to a thick forest. They reach the door hidden by thick bushes which was the only path from their Mansion to go into forest. Vernon heads up and clears out the bushes and opens the door. Walking directly into forest.

"Why are we going into forest?" Joshua asks as Vernon leads him inside, Chan staying at back. "Well you'll see in a minute." They start to walk and after good 30 minutes they reach at a place. A vast space, filled with trees. "Why are we in middle of this nowhere?" Joshua asks.
"Wait a minute." Chan says and walks ahead, taking out something from his pocket he pins it in air and a big, blue shield which was hiding the place behind-joshua didn't know of was there disperses, making the way for him. And Joshua felt like he walked into a heaven.

It was so beautiful, the sweet aroma of violets filled the whole place, the big trees made Joshua feel so small. The small pound with water lilies shone in sunlight. The reflection of purple trees made the water look like it was made of violet color. The serene environment and clear sky made him feel at peace. The grass beneath his feet felt so comforting. He hears rustling and sees all 12 boyfriends of his standing behind him in line. Tho they weren't officially boyfriends but Joshua knew they loved him alot. "You liked this place?" Jun asks. "Liked? I loved it. It's so beautiful, so pretty, so warm." Joshua says roaming his eyes all around the beauty of nature. "Yes so pretty." Joshua looks at them and blush creeps up his neck to his ears when he finds all of them starring at him..

" Joshua looks at them and blush creeps up his neck to his ears when he finds all of them starring at him

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"Shua, we wanna tell you something." Seungcheol courages and says to Joshua. "Yeah say it." Joshua nods his head. He looked so innocent that they wanted to put him in their pocket. The way he tilted his head, eyes still big and sparkly because of the place, lips a bit jutted out, hands clasped in sweater paws, hairs bouncing up and down with his movements. The way the oversized sweater of Mingyu, embraced him in it they wanted nothing but to squeeze and squish him. And his cinnamon with peaches cologne didn't helped at all.

"Joshuji, thank you for coming in our lives, thank you for making us feel love and cared for. Thank you for simply existing." Jeonghan starts. "In these last 6 months you've made us feel so many emotions at once, we never in life thought we would." Jun says after. "We were so lost in making a life for ourselves and working that we forgot to the meaning of having a home." Soonyoung adds. "We forgot we had people who needed us, we forgot we needed each other." Jihoon says..
"We were looking for affection and infatuation outside of house, forgetting we had people who were willing to give us that." Wonwoo smiles.
"You made us realize that we aren't alone, no matter what, we have a family who will always be there for us, in any type of situation. You have became our HOME." Seokmin appreciates him..

"You made us realize that we are capable of love that we deserve it. and that we won't find someone as beautiful as you, inside out." Minghao's smile made Joshua shed more tears. "You have putted your life in danger for us many times. We were nothing but strangers for you when you came here but you loved and cared for us like no blood relation could do." Mingyu says. "And now we wanna tell you that we want you in our lives for forever." Seungkwan confesses.
"We want to make you feel safe and cared for. We wanna love you and keep you to ourselves for forever." Vernon says. "We're in love with you hyung and we always wanna be in love you. We know we all are in love with you. And you are too.  And now we wanna ask you something so important." Chan confesses and looks at Seungcheol.

Seungcheol takes a deep breath. "Shua will you marry us?" And Joshua brusts more into tears, they would've thought that he would say no but the smile on his lips said otherwise..Joshua runs and hugs the first person he sees-Wonwoo, "yes, yes, yes I wanna marry you all. I'm in love with you all too." Joshua cries happy tears making all of them smile with happy tears too. Wonwoo breaks the hug and kisses his forehead, he steps aside and let's Jeonghan take his place.

Jeonghan hugs Joshua and pecks his lips, "we promise to always love you Joshuji." Jeonghan says and slips in a ring on Joshua's ring finger, Joshua smiles widely with tears still running down."what are you all waiting for? Hug me." He says and they chuckle and hugs him tightly. Finally, he was theirs and they were his officially.


Here it is the confession of our boys to their sweet Shua.

I hope you all liked this chapter....I tried to make it as romantic as possible, I'm not that much of a romantic person, hehehe🤭😅

Don't forget to leave comments and votesssss...

I just realized I made Jaehyun doctor and police officer both at same time. 👀

Lastly, have a nice morning
,day, evening and night.

I love you all and you should do too..

This fic is coming to an end, at least 2 chapters left. What do you think about it??

Bye bye.

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