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Morning came and everyone woke up quite happily, They enjoyed breakfast with as usual bickering and laughing. Wonwoo woke up with his face stuffed in Joshua's crook of neck. His intoxicating scent of baby powder and vanilla made Wonwoo's mouth water, this much that he bit there waking up Joshua in return, who stared at him in shock and with red cheeks and ears. Tho Wonwoo's morning was Spent happily and he woke up with an interesting sight, still he felt weird. He felt like something was wrong, and this was making him crazy. He felt like someone was watching them and no matter how much he looked around in order to find the source nothing came in his sight of view.

Wonwoo sighs as he again inspected his studio, he plops on his chair and rubs his temple with his index finger and thumb. He fishes out his phone from his pocket and dials a number.

Ring Ring Ring...

After three rings the call was picked up. "Hey hyung."  Mingyu's voice echos from other side of line.."hey Gyu." Wonwoo replies, his voice tired. "What happened hyung? You're sounding tired." Mingyu asks. "Yeah, Just a bit tired. Gyu I wanted to ask you something." Wonwoo says. "Yes?" Mingyu replies. "Gyu are you feeling like someone is watching you all the time?" Mingyu made a confuse sound at that. "I didn't understood hyung. What do you mean by watching me?" Mingyu questions.
"I don't know Gyu, since I woke up I feel like someone is watching me, not only me but us. But whenever I look around I don't find anyone." Wonwoo sighs. "Woah, calm down hyung, damn this single thought is giving me creeps." Wonwoo nods at that, tho he knows Mingyu can't see.

"Why don't we do this, you pack your things and I'll come pick you up, I'm free. And then we can spend some time with shua hyung alone." Mingyu suggests and Wonwoo's lips broke in smile hearing Joshua's name. "Alright, come soon." With an "okay" Mingyu cuts off the call and wonwoo starts to pack his things up.


Wonwoo flinches hearing the sound, he turns around  and finds hallway of his studio lit up, "huh? Why is it lighten up? No one's here but me." Wonwoo questions confusedly and walks out, he walks in hallway, making his way to store room where the power button was.

Tap tap tap

Now Wonwoo was sure that there is someone here, the footsteps behind him gave it away. Wonwoo immediately turns around in order to find the person but there was no one. He frowns, "maybe it's my hallucination." He assures himself and again starts to walk. With Every footstep he took he heard another set of footsteps behind him. Finally Wonwoo reached store room, he went inside and looked around, it was dark in here. He frowned at that, why is hallway lit up but store room is dark? Wonwoo sighs and puts his hand inside his pant pocket to take out his phone when he realized that he left the phone in office room. He again sighs and starts to walk around with the help of wall. It was hard looking around because of darkness.


Wonwoo tuned around at sound and found out that hallway was now dark too. Okay now he was scared, what the Fuck was happening with him? Is there some kind of ghost inside his studio? "What the Fuck?" Wonwoo says when  he feels someone's hot breath on his neck, he got goosebumps all over his body and then he ran with all his might. It was hard to see in dark, But he still ran, not knowing which way he was running to. The sound of footsteps behind him getting louder every single second. Wonwoo felt like he was running but not running at all. And then something hard made contact with his skull, he fell on floor and looked behind, a Big silhouette was standing Infront of him, Wonwoo is tall but he felt so much small right now, tho the person was smaller than him in height.


"Who're you? What do you want?" Wonwoo asks, his voice getting higher, he sees how shadow tilts their head. "Are you scared Wonwoo?" Shadow asks taking steps near him, "scared my ass why would I be scared from someone like you, who plays dirty tricks." Wonwoo says backing off. "Your body language says something else Wonwoo, Your eyes are not in sync with your mouth. I can smell your fear Wonwoo."  Shadow says and closes in.


"What do you want?" Wonwoo asks, as shadow sits face to face with him, Wonwoo's head was bleeding and his heart racing in fear. "You, I want to you Wonwoo, I want you dead." Wonwoo notices how Psychotically shadow smiles. His lips curling upwards, Wonwoo was horrified now. "I want to kill you Wonwoo, Let me do this." Shadow nears him, his breath on Wonwoo's face. Shadow again smiles maniacally and Raises his hand in air.


"Let's die now, Shall we Wonwoo?" Saying this shadow stabs Wonwoo in his throat. "AHHHHHHH"  Wonwoo screams.

"WONWOO HYUNG WAKE UP!!!" Mingyu yells, shaking Wonwoo out of his dream. Wonwoo was wet in his own sweat, lips trembling, hands shaking, Mingyu immediately hugged his brother. "Shh, calm down hyung, calm down, you're alright! It was just a bad dream. You're fine." Mingyu says sweet nothings in Wonwoo's ears, making him clam down. "What happened hyung?" Mingyu asks, as they sat inside the car, Wonwoo was clam now. "You remember I told you about that weird feeling?" Mingyu nods. "Guess, i took it to head." Mingyu sighs and rubs his brother's shoulder. "It's alright, things Happen." Wonwoo nods at that, he looks outside the window. Trying to take some air, when his eyes met someone's.

A man covered in black from top to bottom, with a Kinfe in his hand, starring down at them, with a picture in his other, hand, Wonwoo squits his eyes and widens them when pictures becomes clear, It was Joshua's with a red cross on it. Wonwoo looks at man's face and all he does is tilts his head. Wonwoo's heart started to beat fast. His eye contact breaks as someone passes by the man and next he saw was no one. The man was gone. "Mingyu start the car fast we have to reach home now." Wonwoo shouts and takes out his phone, immediately dialing other's numbers. Mingyu confusedly looks at his brother but still starts the car.

"What happened hyung? You're looking scared?" Mingyu asks, Taking a turn towards their house, coffee which they ordered a while ago, long forgotten. "It's Joshua, he's in danger."  As soon as Mingyu heard it, the car speed went 90 to 100 in second...."who is that person?" Wonwoo mutters under his breath, he wasn't able to take those so familiar eyes off his mind, tho the face was covered, eyes could be seen and he felt like he saw them somewhere. But right now Joshua is their priority. They have to save him.


Here is today's update...

I hope you liked this one...

Wonwoo feels like he has seen the person before, Guess who it could be????

Will they reach mansion at time or??

Don't forget to leave comments and votesss~

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