1|Haze De Luca

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Eve's POV

"It'll be over soon," I repeated to myself for the tenth time as I was held against my locker by his two goons, Jason and Mark.

His dark, bored eyes gazed at mine as he stood in front of me with his hands in the pockets of his pants.

A large crowd quickly gathered behind us as everyone was eager to know what he would do to me next.

At the side of the crowd, stood my three best friends, Aaron, Belly, and Chase, with their eyes closed. I can't blame them; they knew they were just as helpless as me.

Jason turned to him, "What are you going to do her this time?"

That bored look on his face quickly turned into a mischievous one.

My stomach instantly churned. I was terrified because there was no way for me to predict what he will do next.

According to the dictionary, 'haze' is a state of mental confusion but in my opinion, Haze De Luca causes mental confusion.

I hate him with with every bone in my body. From since freshman year, he has made it his personal mission to torment me every day. These tortures range from a simple insult to the whole school watching me helplessly gather the remains of the project I spent weeks working on.

I don't know why he does it. I try to avoid him at all costs, yet he always seems to find me and have his way with me.

Of course, I'm not the only one who he troubles. He loves to feed on the weak or unpopular side of the student body. If you so much as look on him the wrong way, there is a high probability you will need to visit the nurse on your way to your next class. That is who he is, a bully.

I started wiggling my way from the two jocks, but their grips only tightened.

"Please," I started to beg as he took a step forward but of course he didn't listen or care for a matter of fact.

When he was finally in front of me, his two accomplices let go of me and disappeared into the crowd which had now doubled in size. All these people yet none dared to help me.

He grabbed my bag which I held on so tightly to before emptying its contents on the floor in front of everyone. Luckily, I only had a few books and pens in there. This seemed to disappoint him as his face became annoyed.

He then grabbed me by the hair, pulling my roots in the process, "What should I really do with you?"

I kept my mouth shut as I knew that it was intended to be a rhetorical question.

He pulled my hair even tighter before pulling me forward then slamming me into my locker.

An intense pain immediately situated in my back. I moved my hand to rub it but he quickly took hold of it.

"Come on Eve, think! What should I do with you?" he asked again like this was some game to him.

"Please!" I implored.

His expression remained annoyed.

"Nope, wrong answer," he said as he dropped me on the floor and the large crowd cheered.

I groaned as I struggled to stand up. My body trembled and I had difficulties balancing my footing.

"What is going on here!?" Mrs. Vincent, our principal shouted from a far. She marched to the front of the crowd where Haze and I were featured. "Ms. Parker, is everything okay?"

I slightly turned to see Haze watching me without revealing a single expression. One thing I knew for sure is that if I were to say something that he doesn't like, it would be over for me.

I forced a smile and nodded my head. "Yes ma'am, I dropped my bag so Haze was just helping me."

She smiled. "Mr. De Luca, I'm so happy to see that you are staying out of trouble. Go on then."

Haze raised eyebrow, "Pardon? Go on with what?"

"Picking up her books of course," she said before turning to the crowd. "Alright guys, get to class, now!"

The crowd was gone within seconds because they knew a punishment would be coming their way if they stayed any longer.

I turned to Haze and the glare he gave me sent shivers down my spine. I knew I had just messed up. There is no way Haze would let this go.

"Haze, what are you waiting for?" Mrs. Vincent asked, eager for us to head to class.

He sighed before stooping down and returning all the contents which were in my bag previously. He stood up and harshly shoved the bag into stomach, "all set."

"Thank you," I mumbled while looking away.

Mrs. Vincent smiled, "I'm so happy to see that you guys are friends now. I know you both had a rough start with each other but I'm glad you guys have matured."

Haze smiled at her but I just couldn't bring myself to fake a smile. He was a callous, disrespectful bully who I hate and will always hate.

She clapped her hands, "Alright, get to class guys!"

It took Haze no time to get out of here. I turned my back and started walking the opposite direction, even though my class was on the other side.

As I turned the corner, there stood Aaron, Belly and Chase.

Chase quickly handed me a water bottle with ice in it. "For your back."

I forced a smile, "thanks."

"We're so sorry we couldn't do anything," Belly apologized with tears in her eyes. They all looked guilty but there was absolutely nothing they could do but get hurt like me.

Aaron shook his head with a scowl on his face. "This isn't right. This idiot shouldn't keep winning all the time. He needs to suffer!"

"I heard Mrs. Vincent gave him one more chance before she expels him," Chase added.

"No wonder he hasn't been getting into any fights recently," Aaron answered as we started walking.

I held the cold-water bottle against my back but that didn't seem to do the trick. Haze just does stuff and has no care in the world if his actions have consequences. "It doesn't matter guys. We can't do anything. All we can do is wait until we graduate in a few months."

"What if I get into a fight with him?" Aaron asked.

Belly, Chase and I laughed. Aaron didn't have half the body mass Haze had. He'd be no match.


"Aaron, you can't get into a fight with Haze; you'll end up in the nurse's office," I explained.

He shrugged, "She gives me free candy. It's a win-win situation either way."

I rolled my eyes, knowing he would be playing a dangerous game.

"Don't do it A, that guy is nuts," Chase ordered.

Aaron raised his eyes, "okay, okay, I won't."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chase whispered into my ear. He had a special place in my heart.

I smiled and nodded my head. I know he didn't believe me but he let it go.

"This is your stop Eve," Belly said as we stood in front of my classroom door.

I sighed, "Thanks for walking me to class guys."

They all gave me sympathetic looks. We were all bullied but unfortunately, I received the most of it. I waved at them once more before entering into hell.

"Nice for you to show up Eyelyn," Ms. Webster said. She pointed to an empty seat next Haze, "Have a seat."

My heart skipped a beat.

This was going to be a very long day.

AN: Hey guys! How was the first chapter? Don't forget to vote, it means a lot!

There is a book on @ishqaan_DZ called Bullied to Love which is the exact copy of this book. Please report this book. Thank you.

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