37|Happy Birthday to Me

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Haze's POV

I beeped my car horn over and over impatiently.

"I'm coming, jeez!" he shouted from afar.

Soon enough he came right at my window. He smiled when he saw me and dabbed me up.

"I thought you told me some girl told you to quit."

"Yeah? Well, I need some now."

"You want your regular stash?"

"Double it."

"Are you having a party or something?"

"No, I just got dumped."

His head rolled back as he laughed. "You're going to get lit over some girl?"

"Shut up. Nobody even uses 'lit' anymore."

I put some cash in his hands. "Help me out here Jay."

"You know your sister and I had English Lit. together? Bright as a star. She use to always get the highest grades in class and I'm sure it was no different with her other subjects. Up to this day, I've never met anyone who is nice as her. Even though she was popular and liked to party, she never did anything mean to anyone."

I started getting irritated. All I wanted to do was get high. "Why are you telling me all this for Jay?"

"You know, my pops got shot in his spine right before senior year and became paralyzed? I had to drop out and work, doing anything little thing I could do to get money. Pops was the breadwinner of the house and now he was the bread eater."

I sighed before turning back on the engine.

"Hear me out Haze. What would your sister do if she found out I was selling you these things?"

"Jay, Elle doesn't give a shit. She's too busy with herself to notice me. You got your money so give me the drugs so I can go."

He looked around before slipping the bags in my hand.

"You gave me too much," he said as he handed me back the change.

I shook my head. "Keep the change and buy that bread for your pops."

He smiled. "I don't know why you're trying to play a tough guy but all I can see is your sister's kindness radiating off you. She did good by you."

"See you, Jay."


I lit up my joint as I sat in the driveway.

I hated this house. I hated the man who owned it. I hated all the white inside it. I hated everything about it.

After taking a minute or two to list our all the things I hated, I got out of the car and headed inside.

Even after saying all those things I hated, I still never mentioned Eve. I mean, how could I? I was in love with her. I am in love with Evelyn Parker.

"What the hell is that thing between your fingers?" Elle shouted just before she was about to make her exit.

"It's-" I stopped my sentence when I saw the suitcase behind her. "Are you leaving?"

"Don't smoke. Smoking is bad," she ordered before dropping it out my hand and stomping on it.

"Can't you just wait until after tomorrow?"

"Haze, I have a life."

"So what? You can't wait until tomorrow? Is your life that busy that you can't make one day available?"

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