3|It's a deal!

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Eve's POV

As I walked down the stairs to get my car keys to head for school, the front door swung open.

There stood my mother, Tessa, in her red, Express Airways uniform with her black, mini suitcase. Each time I saw her, her uniform got shorter and her makeup got heavier.

Tom was definitely getting cheated on. I mean that is how he got her so it shouldn't be a surprise if that is the way he'll lose her.

"My baby!" she shouted before running to hug me.

"Hi mom," I said dryly. She'd been gone for two weeks and didn't even send a text. I tried calling her to see if she was alive but she declined.

Tessa and I were two opposites. She loved to party, I didn't. She wore the tightest clothing, I didn't. She loved makeup, I didn't. No one would know that she was my mother unless I tell them.

She checked her watch. "Going to school already? Come on, it's early, let's have some breakfast!"

I sighed, "You know how heavy the traffic gets. I'll be late."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about that. Being late is fine, it's not like I'm going to get mad at you or anything."

"Mom..." I muttered as she started pulling me towards the kitchen.

"Where's Tom?" she asked. "Tom!"

"Right here babe!" he shouted as he stood around the island watching his laptop. They kissed before she watched his laptop.

"What are you doing, honey?"

He laughed, "This guy bet two thousand dollars for some gamer to win and now he wants a refund."

Mom covered her mouth, "Is this really what people are sending their money on? Make sure you don't do that Evelyn."

"Mom!" I shouted. She knew I hated my full name.

"Don't 'mom' me. I thought long and hard about that name."

Tom pushed two plates with sandwiches towards us. "I made these for you guys."

"Thanks babe," she said before kissing on his cheek. She turned to me. "Tell your dad thanks."

I immediately froze.

"Tess," Tom started.

"What Tom? Are there any other dads around that I don't know about?"

I turned around and headed towards the door.

Of course, she had to ruin it.

I shut the door and started the engine of my old, grey Honda Civic.

Traffic wasn't as bad as I expected and I reached to school five minutes before the bell.

I jumped out of the car and bolted towards the entrance. When I almost reached to the door, I halted.

At the door stood the whole gang: Haze, Jason, Mark, Ashley and a few others from their friend group. They were just standing there talking.

There is no way I could pass through without being held back. I checked the time, three minutes to spear. I had Mr. Yun first and he never allows late commers to enter.

Forget it.

I closed my eyes for a second before I continued walking to the entrance. As I slowly approached the group, their eyes fell on me.

Jason quickly moved to block the entrance while Haze had his head down watching his phone.

Oh no.

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