22|His Escape

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Eve's POV

I sat up on Haze's bed with his arm wrapped around my waist as he was fast asleep. He had been knocked out for a good two hours, so I was just editing the pictures I took earlier of the football and cheerleading teams.

I finished up the last picture before turning off the laptop and placing it on the nightstand next to me.

I tried to lay down, but Haze's heavy arm anchored me to this one position. Therefore, I did what any more else would do; watch him.

His breathing was light and slow. His hair was messy as ever and he looked at peace.

The door opened. "Haze, can you come here for a sec-"

Standing at the door was Elianna and when she saw me, she immediately stopped talking. Her eyes widened as she pointed at me.

"It's you. I remember you. E..."

"Eve," I helped.

She smiled brightly. "Yes Eve! I know watching my brother sleep is very interesting, but you should come chit chat with me."

"I can't," I whispered as I pointed to his arm around me.

She laughed before walking up and pulling Haze's arm off of me.

"Relax, my brother is an extremely heavy sleeper." She clapped and he didn't move a muscle. "See?"

"Wow, I didn't know that!" I said amazed as I got out of the bed and followed her outside his bedroom.

As soon as I closed his bedroom door, she hugged me. "Thank you!"

"Wow, what is this for?" I asked very confused.

"You're the first girl I've ever seen for a second time and the first girl I've ever seen him be so comfortable to the point where he can sleep next to. That bastard couldn't even tell me he has his first girlfriend."

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. First girlfriend? "I-I'm not his girlfriend."

"Sure, you're not," she winked as she started walking downstairs.

"Did you say his 'first' girlfriend?"

"I am not trying to say my brother doesn't get girls because," she took a pause. "he really does, trust me. However, they don't seem to...stick."

"Oh," I simply said while playing with my fingers.

"You don't seem like my brother's type. You seem quieter and nerdier," she smiled. "I guess that is what makes you special."

"Way to lower my self-esteem," I accidentally said out loud as we sat down on the living room couch.

"Oh no Eve! I'm not trying to do that. What I'm saying is that you're different and I like that. I don't know you very well, but I would like us to be friends."

I watched her in utter shock. Elianna De Luca was asking to be my friend. If we were the same age, she wouldn't even have taken a glance at me.

"Eve, please don't tell me I ruined our chance at a friendship because of my stupid mouth."

"No, no, no, I'm just surprised that's all. I watch your dance videos so I'm just shocked."

"Please don't think of me as what I do but think of me as to who I am. To you, I am Haze's sister, your boyfriend's sister," she teased.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I defended and she laughed.

"He's coming," she whispered.

"There you are," his raspy voice said as he sat down next to me.

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