Mob Ties.... No Iam The Mob

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Athena POV

After the dinner I rode back with my parents gossiping and laughing with Artemis. She was telling me about one of the guys in her school that has a crush on her. She tells me that she thinks he is cute too but our father doesn't allow us to date. I had one boyfriend in my past but I had to keep him a secret it was in 5th grade I dumped him before my brothers found out. But now I wish I would have dated at least a little bit. I tell her that she should at least go on a date with the boy to give him a chance. Once we get home my parents tell us that they will be leaving soon for a three day trip. We got to stay with the Devincis at their estate I couldn't help the smile that landed on my lips. As I hear the news I get to be near Leo and Inzo is all I think.

Even though they will hardly be home I still can catch a glimpse of those perfect creatures. I mentally smirk as I think God that school is in session so we can't go to our grandmother's. I love her but she doesn't let us have any fun! "What day are you guys leaving?" Is all I hear Jamal ask my mother to tell him they leave next week on Thursday. After we talk some more and they tell us that when they come back they want to take us out and have a family dinner. We go to our rooms after I get ready for bed I text my girls once we all decide what we will be wearing tomorrow I pass out. My dreams are filled with Leo and that kiss we shared in his office.

I wake up to my alarm from my phone going off I sigh as I open my eyes. How I wish today was a Saturday is all I think as I sit up. I grabbed the outfit I planned with my girls last night walking to my bathroom to start my morning routine. After a 30 minute shower I start my hair and makeup as I text isis to see what time she is coming to get me. After I'm done I look at myself In the mirror blowing myself a kiss. I grab my bag walking downstairs to see my mother in the kitchen cooking while my father sits at the island sipping his coffee. When I walk down they smile saying good morning to me. I smile saying it back my mother makes me a plate with a glass of apple juice. " Thank you momma" is all I say before I start to eat my brothers come down after me talking about something that happened in their little gang. My brothers started a gang in middle school at first they were a small little crew but in 8th grade they grew larger. I thought my parents would have been pissed when they found out but I could have sworn I saw pride in my father's eyes.

Picture of what she is wearing

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Picture of what she is wearing

But if I was to even do anything like that I would be in deep shit. I eat some food as my father talks with the boys about when they leave and what they need done. After I eat I get a text from Isis saying she is outside. "Thanks for breakfast momma" is all I say as I get up to clean my dishes before I walk out. "So are you excited to see your boo today?" Is all Isis says as I get into the car. "Isis Leo is a grown man there is no way he is checking for me." She cuts her eyes as she drives "I know you don't believe it but you're a baddie Thena you need to own that shit." I roll my eyes I know I'm good looking I will never deny that. You have to love yourself and I do! But I'm also a realist and a logical person the logical side of me knows there is no way me and Leo or Inzo could be together. But a girl can dream and that dream last night was absolutely sinful.. is all I think as she drives towards the school.

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