you thought you would get away with it

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Warning if you're not into BDSM or romantic scenes with an age gap 🛑 now. Please don't report or steal my work. we all work hard when we write on here and put our time and effort into our work. Just to get It reported because some of you can't handle adult contact or bad words we are all adults...well we should be if you're reading this. And if you don't like it just stop reading don't ruin it for everyone else...that's enough ranting now let's get to the good stuff.

Athena POV

Once we got into Isis's car she and Adriana smiled "see I told you it was going to be simple" is all she says as the car speeds off. It takes us a good 30 minutes to make it to the house where the party was being held. It was a large mansion on a beautiful estate it was the only home on the block. Once she parks the car we get out looking around there were cars everywhere. With teenagers everywhere music was blasting and lights were flashing. I looked around with a smirk as I said "you were right Adri we definitely didn't want to miss this!" Isis yells now let's get white girl wasted! As we walk towards the house. Craig Haines was manning the door he was the school's all star running back. "Wow, look who we have here all three of you girls are aiming for my heart. Looking all sexy tonight." I just roll my eyes "that was the corniest line I have ever heard" is all I hear Adri say to him.

He smirks opening the door "well then come find me later I promise my lines get better as the night goes on." All that means is once we get drunk he may be able to pull us with that crap...note to self stay away from Craig is all I think as we walk past him. We walk towards the drinks where Christian is standing talking with Karlie she was on the yearbook committee and she usually makes it to almost every party. Once he sees us he smiles "Oh my God you guys actually made it!" He walks to us hugging each of us. "Of course I wasn't going to miss the first party of the year" is all I hear Adri say loudly so she can be heard over the music that is blaring through the speakers. He hands us a shot "the first shot of many" is all he says before we turn them up slamming them back down. "I only can I have one more drink I'm driving tonight so I have to drink responsibly" is all I hear Isis say I do not condone drinking and driving but they are teenagers and as teenagers we all made irresponsible decisions

After we take our shots we go to the dance floor as the song Nasty by Russ comes on. We begin to dance as we sing back to the lyrics to the song. After dancing to three more songs I decided to get myself a drink. "What can I get for you, sexy?" Is all I hear Marcus say to me he was standing at the bar that was set up by the kitchen. He was 6ft 2 with long curly hair, he had hazel eyes and was light skinned and a tattoo on his shoulder that says his mother's name. He played on the basketball team and was a pretty handsome guy but not really my type. I like my men to be mature and a lot of words can be used to describe Marcus. But maturity is definitely not one of them. He gives me is boyish smirk "yeah we drew straws and mine was the shortest but your drink is free" I laugh because me and my friends drinks were always free. "Give me a shot of tequila" he pours it for me and hands to me "oh your drinking the strong shit "(the word is shit for the people who don't get it) tonight!"

I down the shot as Adriana and Isis come walking up to me. I was going to ask where Christian was but I saw him dancing with some hottie. He doesn't look like he goes to our school. "Who is that?" I ask my girls once they get close to "some guy, I heard that the valley prep students snuck in." Is all I hear Isis say. Their students always want to talk crap about us but they know we are better than them in every way that's why they constantly follow us they even updated their cafeteria to resemble ours.we order a few more shots. A senior walks up to us asking if we want to smoke and when in Rome... We went out front to get some fresh air that's when I noticed two cars parked out front with the sexiest man standing in front of a car. He looked like he was smoking on something he was close enough to see the tip light up from whatever he was smoking. But it's too dark to really see his face.

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