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A few hours later I woke up to Dabi shoving bread in my face.

"The fuck?" I groaned.

"This is your dinner, so eat up" With that he left, closing the door behind him, locking it from the outside.

I sighed and hit the bread against the ground, and as expected, it was rock solid.

I chucked it into the corner of the room opposite me and went back to sleep.

I then woke up to Shigaraki pulling me to my feet with four fingers "Get up brat, time for your training."

He dragged me out of the room and down the hall to the training room.

"Your gonna be fighting Compress today" He motioned to a fancy looking man 


He's the one with the quirk that traps things in little weird marbles.

"Alright, you can start or whatever" Crusty sighed, leaning in the doorway.

I cracked my knuckles and stepped into the ring.

"Hello kid. Let's make this quick" Compress said.

"Yeah yeah" I lunged towards him, pulling my mask on and used my Persona quirk to enhance my strength and speed, and then manifested a dagger and swung it at his mask, nearly cutting it, but he dodged just in time.

He touched my shoulder as I went past him, and trapped me in one of his marble things.


Shit shit shit.

I had been trapped in these for hours at a time, stuck in the pitch black with no food, no water and no light, the only way I coped with it was sobbing myself to sleep.

It felt like an eternity that I was trapped in there, but in reality it was only a few minutes before I found myself sprawled at Shigaraki's feet trembling.

I looked up at his face to see an evil glint in his red eyes.

"You've become soft Deku" He growled, kicking my stomach.

"S-sorry" I stammered.

"Shut up. Villains don't say sorry. God you really have become soft."

He pulled me by my hair and dragged me back to the room.

Throwing me to the floor he proceeded to beat me up.

Once he had finished, he said "We're going to UA to finally kill All Might tomorrow. And your going to be the one to kill him."

With that he left and locked me in the dark.

I curled up into myself and fell asleep.

I woke up to Shigaraki yelling at me to get the fuck up and get changed into my suit.

I quickly got changed in the dark and waited for someone to come and get me.

A few minutes later Dabi opened the door and pulled me out into the bar where the rest of the League was waiting with a Nomu.

"Alright Kurogiri, warp us there" Shigaraki said to Kuro, who obeyed him and warped everyone to UA.

When we arrived, I looked around to see that we were in some sort of gym that had different areas like a water area, some sort of earthquake aftermath, and a few more.

I looked up to see none other than Eraserhead flying through the air towards Shigaraki.

"DEKU TAKE CARE OF THIS GUY FOR ME!" Shigaraki yelled at me.

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