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"What do you mean you're outside?" I demanded.
'Well, I'm not, but someone is.'
"DEKU!" Eraser barged into the bathrooms. "WE NEED TO GO!"
"Why?" I came out of the stall.
"There's a villain outside, he said he was from the League." He pulled me down the corridors. "I need to get you to the safe room."
We ran for about two minutes before reaching Nezu's office, where Parrot was waiting anxiously.
As soon as he saw us, he grabbed Eraser's hand and dragged us down a flight of stairs and into a white steel room, where he locked the doors. Eraser grabbed onto me and pulled me into his chest, and Parrot joined.

We stayed huddled up for about ten minutes in silence until something happened.
'Let him in. He just wants to talk.' There was a banging at the door.
'Let him in Izuku.'
I jumped, and the Pros held onto me tighter.
"They'll be looking for him, so a Pro should get here soon," Eraser whispered in my ear.
The knocking got louder, so loud that I thought that the villain would break the door down.
'Let. Him. In.'
I gripped onto Eraser's scarf with one hand and Parrots shirt with the other and dug my face into Erasers chest. The knocking suddenly stopped, and there were sounds of fighting outside the door, then it stopped.
"Eraserhead! Present Mic! You can come out, I got the villain" Someone called from outside.
"Thank All Might" Parrot sighed in relief.
Eraser got up and unlocked the door, then opened it. Before it was fully open, he got flung back and hit the wall behind me and Parrot. I watched in horror as someone walked into the room.
The villain.

I stared at him, horrified by what I was seeing. He was covered in muscles and had short blonde hair with an artificial eye.
"I'm going to be taking the kid with me" He growled.
"FUCK NAH!!!" Parrot used his quirk, blasting the villain back.
Behind me Eraser had sprung up and was now erasing the mans quirk, causing the muscles to shrink back into his body, he swung his capture scarf at the villain and bound him, giving Parrot a chance to knock him out.
"Izuku are you okay? Did you know that man?" Parrot ran up to the corner that I was in.
"I-I think I saw him once at the League base, I don't know his name though" I told them.
We cautiously left the room and went up the stairs to try and find Nezu, dragging the villain behind us.

We eventually found Nezu, and he dismissed the whole school to leave early, but everyone had to walk home in groups of seven or more. Eraser, Parrot and I left school about an hour later, so the pair could make sure all the students had gone home.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Parrot asked as we walked through the door.
"Fine. What movie?" Eraser sat on the couch.
"What about Bambi?" Parrot suggested.
"Isn't that a babies movie though?" I groaned.
"No!" Parrot gasped, "Animals die in it! There's heartbreak! Loss! We have to watch it!"
Eraser set it up while Parrot went into the kitchen, dragging me behind him to make popcorn.
We sat down and started the movie, Eraser and Parrot were huddled up on one couch sharing a bowl of popcorn, and I was sitting on the other with my own bowl. We had just gotten up to the part where Bambi's mother dies, and Parrot burst into tears.
"What the fuck?" I turned to stare at him.
"W-wHaT? It'S sO sAd! ThEy NeArLy EsCaPeD! BuT tHe MoThEr GoT sHoT!" He whined.
"WAAAHHHHH! YoUr *sniff* So *sniff* HeArTlEsS!"
"Shut up."
A few minutes later my eyes began to feel heavy, and I couldn't keep them open. I lay down and fell asleep, with the movie still playing in the background.


"Psst, hey Sho. Look at Izuku" Zashi whispered to me.
I looked over at the other couch to see Izuku curled up asleep.
"He's so cute!" My husband squealed.
"Shut up, he's been through a lot these past few weeks. He needs to sleep."
"Mmmhmm. Whatever you say Sho."
A few minutes later I heard whimpering from where Izuku was laying. I looked over to see him squirming, his face scrunched up in pain.
"Shit. He's having a nightmare" I got up and went over to the kid and sat down in the empty space next to him. 
He suddenly jolted up, his eyes wide in fear.
"Shit, hey Izuku. It's okay, it was just a nightmare" I pulled him in for a hug.
"S-sorry" He whispered.

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