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(Thru call, same names as first chapter)

Sleepy Boi- Hey Zashi
Parrot- Hey Sho, what do you need?
Sleepy Boi- I want Izuku to stay at home for the rest of the day, and since you don't have any more classes, could you stay with him?
Parrot- Izuku? Who's that?
Sleepy Boi- Really? Deku, anyway, can you stay with him?
Parrot- Ohhhhh alright yeah I'll stay with him I guess. Need me to pick him up?
Sleepy Boi- Yep, I'll wait with him outside my class.
Parrot- Right, see you soon babe.
Sleepy Boi- Bye.

I turned around to tell the kid that we would have to wait for Zashi, only to see him gone.
I groaned and went off to find him.


I was wandering around the school after I had snuck away from Eraser.
Somehow, I had made my way outside of the school and was now walking in the woods.
'The fuck?'
I looked around at my surroundings confused.
I was surrounded by trees and bushes, there wasn't a path under my feet, and I had no clue where I was.
I walked around for a few minutes until I came across some sort of cabin.
Going up to the cabin I smelt the stench of death.
Opening the door, I was shocked to see blood everywhere, I slowly walked through the door and looked around and saw a body in the corner.
My breath hitched as I walked closer, I could tell they were obviously dead.
"Hello Izuku" Someone said from behind me.
I spun around to see Shigaraki leaning in the doorway, with an evil smile on his face.
"W-what the fuck do you want" I demanded, shaking.
"Then why are you here?"
"I'm not" He melted.
Twice's quirk.
I ran out of the cabin and back the way I thought I had come from.

I froze.
"That was you, wasn't it" I whispered.
'No, I didn't kill him, but I did get someone else to.'
'he was in my way.'
"I hate you, killing people for no reason?"
'Ah ah ah, don't forget you did the same not too long ago.'
"Because you forced me to. I had no choice."
'You better not go.'
I ignored him and ran toward the voices.

Suddenly I ran into someone's chest, nearly knocking them over.
"Izuku! SHO! I GOT HIM!" Parrot screeched.
"Shut up" I grumbled.
"Good to see your still you" He laughed.
I dug my face into his shirt, and he hugged me, but I didn't pull away.
Someone hugged me from behind and whispered something in my ear "Izuku it's alright, we're here."
I melted into the pair's arms, into the comfort to finally have someone to hug.
"Izuku are you okay?"
I nodded.
"Good, look, you were missing for a few hours, so school is over now. let's go home" Eraser said "Can you walk? Actually, no. I'm carrying you."
"There was a person. They were dead" I whispered.
"What? Where?" Parrot asked.
"In a cabin."
"Alright, I'll get some officers to look at it, but for now lets just go" Eraser reassured me, picking me up.
"I can walk fine, put me down you bitch" I argued.
"Fine" He set me back down.
We walked back through the trees until we reached a dirt pathway.
About half an hour later we got out of the woods and out into the school parking lot.
We got to the car and Parrot opened the door for me.
"Really?" I glared at him.
He avoided my gaze and pushed me into the car.
We drove down the street, the streetlights zooming past my face.
I closed my eyes.
'Izuku don't ignore me.'
"Shut up..." I murmured.
"Izuku?" Eraser asked from the drivers seat.
'Kill him. Kill him now'
'Do it, kill the parrot first, slice his neck, then smash Eraserhead's head open.'
"Shut up bitch" I growled.
"Izuku! Are you okay? Who are you talking too?" Parrot asked me.
'Do it.'
'Kill. Them. Izuku.'
"SHUT UP!" I yelled.
"Izuku are you okay? We just want to know what's wrong!" Eraser reached his hand back and put it on my knee.
I pulled my knee back and up to my chest, trying to ignore His voice.
'Izuku. Kill them, or I will.'
"you wouldn't."
'Oh, you know I would.'
"Izuku is it him?" Parrot wondered.
"Mm hm."
"Okay, what's he telling you?"
"He's telling me to kill you" I whispered, I looked out the window as we pulled into the driveway.

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