Chapter 12: Grand Champion

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"Weeks? How?" Thor was genuinely as confused as you, that seemed like a first. "I've only been here hours."

"Time works different," Loki shrugged, content with a simple explanation and enjoying the confusion on Thor's face.

Thor looked at you expectantly but all you could do was shake your head. "We've been trying to figure a way off this planet, we must get back to Asgard."

Loki knew of your conversation with Heimdall and plan to get off the planet, still unsuccessful. "Did you speak to anyone?"

"Heimdall, it's like we expected, chaos as they prepare. He knows of her intent towards Asgard." Thor instantly untensed, if Asgard was without you it would be in no more capable hands than the Gatekeeper along with the Warriors Three, Sif being gone on a mission in another realm after she started to suspect foul play on Loki's take over of the throne.

"What are you whispering about?" The Grandmaster interrupted looking excitingly between you and your brothers. "Time works real different around these parts."

He grinned slightly maliciously, "On any other world, I'd be like, millions of years old. But here on Sakaar."

An uncomfortable silence fell on the group as you gaped, staring at Loki, who blushed at the attention. Seriously? The Grandmaster turned to Loki, still grinning, "In any case you know this. You call yourself Lord of Thunder?"

"God of Thunder." Thor motioned to you and Loki. "Tell him."

You elbowed Loki in the side, still slightly surprised and disgusted? Loki huffed, before quickly hiding a smile, "I've never met this man before in my life."

"He's my brother."

Loki shook his head, trying to cover for himself, "Adopted."

The Grandmaster seemed to remember your presence, staring expectantly, "He's my brother in law."

Grandmaster seemed satisfied at that, at least now he'd hopefully presume you were married and leave you alone, "Is he any kind of fighter?"

Loki shrugged as of saying so-so, you preferred to not answer, your response would likely make someone mad either way.

"You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you."

"Now listen to that. He's threatening me." Grandmaster laughed as you slowly backed away, pulling Loki's top to get him to follow. "Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-place, Assberg."

"Asgard." You muttered under your breath as Thor had the same response.

"Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win."

"Fine." Arrogant as ever Thor was up for the challenge. "Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick."

"That's what I call contender!" The Grandmaster clapped as guards began to file in from the entrance. "Direction would be this way, Lord."

As the guards hauled Thor up and began to escort him off to norns know where, Thor panicked, "Loki! Y/N!"

Now contrary to belief, you weren't a complete and utter idiot like Thor and Loki could be sometimes, thousands of years alive gave you some smarts. You shook your head as Thor left, staying behind with Loki, both trying your best to look unbothered by the situation, it would be even worse if you were thrown into that arena.

"Maybe he shouldn't put so much faith in the Gods of mistrust and chaos." Loki chuckled as he went to get a drink.

"That's for sure." Following after Loki, this whole situation could easily be forgotten with quite a few drinks.

One question pestered both you and Loki, who was the grand champion?

You had watched the games of course, there was no television or theater or other entertainment on this planet, it was inevitable especially when the Grandmaster seemed to now favor you due to your godhood and abilities that came with it.

The grand champion was yet to appear but rumors had been spilled after many nights as the bad, he was large, otherworldly, and fierce and seemed to spare no mercy, yet the patrons refused to say his name offering a simple "wait and see" even a silver tongued god couldn't draw an answer from them.

Somehow you had found yourself sitting in the great suite once again, although with Loki once again this time would be different, you weren't here to watch anyone, you were here to watch Thor. Loki had told you of his visit earlier to the holding cells for the contestants, Thor was overly confident as usual and also wished to go back to Asgard.

"What do you think the grand champions name is?" You stood next to Loki in a corner of the suite, overlooking the stadium, drinks in hand.

"Whoever it is, we cannot interfere, no matter how much Thor is hurt." Loki knew you wouldn't want to watch Thor get hurt, or worse lose, it was the warrior within you and the protectiveness. "We will have to wait."

You looked over the other suite goers, many wearing normal flashy Sakaaran colors, but the crowd was different, "Why is everyone wearing so much green?"

A loud cheer erupted as the gates began to open, "Well, sister, it looks like we're about to find out."

You held back a laugh as Thor entered the arena, "They cut his hair! Oh I would've paid to see that! I've been trying to get him to cut it for months!"

The Grandmaster began to speak, and you finally paid attention, having ignored his earlier commentary before Thor appeared, "Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him."

The floor began to lower around Thor's feet, Loki and you settled on the couch, watching in anticipation and nerves. Just when you thought it had lowered enough, it lowered more, revealing an enormous door.

The crowd cheered loud as ever, the Grandmaster sat with a grin as he continued his commentary, "He's undefeated! He's the reigning! He's the defending! Ladies and gentlemen... I give you!"

You gaped as you stared at the door, immediately knowing who it was, but you thought it was impossible. Thor on the other hand was visibly excited, screaming a yes.

"I thought." You shook your head, it was unbelievable, a man missing for years, one of your dearest friends, closer with than almost any other Avenger, now suddenly alive. "We all thought Bruce was dead. The Quinjet couldn't possibly survive deep space?"

Loki went white as he heard your confirmation, that it really was Bruce Banner, the Hulk. "I have to get off this planet."

AN: Dw guys the warriors three got plot armor with me cause Fandral dying physically hurt me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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