~~Chapter 3~~

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It was midnight and I was lying in bed. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to know what that letter said so I climbed out of my bed silently. Quietly, I snuck downstairs and looked at the table where I saw the letter. I picked it up and read it. This is what it said:

Dear John,

We need you for the war against the group called Un Sacupuntas. You can start training in 1 week at the training camp.

Thank you for reading this letter and we hope to see you soon.

President pig

Wow. So that's why he wouldn't say. He would have to say soon anyways. I realised that I was crying so I wiped my face with my hoodie sleeve. With tears still falling down my face, I went back to my room and tried my hardest to sleep.


I woke up feeling very tired. I checked the time and it 8am - 4 hours after I read that letter. I went to the bathroom and looked at my face. My eyes were all puffy and there were tear stains down my face. I took a shower as I didn't want my dad questioning why I had been crying.

After my shower I checked my phone and had messages from Aspen my archery teacher.

Aspen: hey do u want to come in for a session today as I am free all day! Thought u might want another session as u have been liking the others!

I thought about how to respond to this message.

Iris: ok sure! What time? I am free in an hour if that helps?

I put my phone down and waited for a response. My stomach gurgled. I needed food. As I was walking downstairs I saw my dad making coffee.

"How are you doing this morning?" He asked stirring the coffee.

"I'm good. Can I go in for an extra archery lesson today?" I replied

I grabbed the cereal and milk and started to make my cereal.

"Yep sure. I will be going into work later about 10-ish and won't be back till the evening."

I nodded and sat down at the table to eat my cereal.

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