~~Chapter 10~~

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The sword sliced through the air. We were in sword practice. They were trying to find our strengths.

"OK GROUP D." I heard Chief Anahi shout "TIME TO SWAP PRACTICE."

We were guided over to the archery range. I loved archery! They showed everyone how to put on the arm strap to not hit your arm but me and 2 other people just went over and put them on already. I recognised one of the other people who went straight over with me. It was Aspen. They walked over to the bows and handed me one; one that looked like mine!

"Hey I brought our bows! It's best if you always use the same one as they are all slightly different." Aspen told be

I nodded and walked over to the nearest target. I put the arrow in the string and pulled it back. I let go and watched the arrow soar through the air. It hit the bullseye. I heard clapping and when I turned around I could see a small group of people had gathered to watch.

"You're pretty good!" Chief Anahi said shocked to me "How often do you do archery?"

"Oh I've had 5 lessons and a few practices by myself. Aspen taught me!" I laughed

"Ok well I'll leave you to practice then." He said but watched me hit the bullseye again the next turn.


We were back in our cabin and I was talking to Emerald and Roxie.

"How are you so good at archery?" Emerald asked me

"I dunno." I laughed "I'm shit at sword-fighting though."

"Yeah you are. You almost chopped my head off!" Roxie said watching tv.

That night I went to bed pretty early and Emerald and Roxie did the same. We were all exhausted from the day we had had.

I was just lying in bed. I couldn't sleep. There were too many thoughts racing around in my mind and I was very excited for the next day as we were getting showed some new ways to train. They were gonna put us in groups to work on the thing we would be doing.

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