~~Chapter 11~~

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"Wake up!" I heard someone say to me.

"Come on! We are gonna be late!" I opened my eyes to see Emerald standing at the foot of my bed.

"Nooooooo," I groaned. I hated getting up in the morning. Emerald walked round to the side of my bed and dragged me half out of my bed. Half of me still on the bed the other half hanging off the edge.

"Ok ok! I'll wake up!" I said half laughing.

Emerald also laughed as she walked out the room. I shut the door and quickly got ready for the day. When I walked out of the door, I could smell bacon. Pots and pans clattered as they hit the floor. I walked over to the kitchen area and saw Emerald making breakfast for us all. I picked up the pots and pans that had fell and handed some to Emerald and put the others back away.

"Thanks." Emerald said

"Your welcome!" I looked around the room "Is Roxie not awake yet?"

Emerald shook her head so I went and knocked on Roxie's door. When I got no answer, I opened the door and saw Roxie still asleep. Her alarm was going off so I turned it off and looked back at Roxie who was still fast asleep. I gently shook her but she only slightly stirred. I shook her again harder this time and she half opened her eyes.

"Huh?" She groaned tiredly

"Wake up! You don't wanna be late! Emeralds making breakfast." I said to her and walked out the door. When I went back in, Emerald had all the food already out on the side and I grabbed the plate she said was for me. I tried some of the bacon, skeptical that it wouldn't taste the best as we were only 13 and 14. It tasted great! Emerald must of seen my face as she said "My mum taught me."

(Author note!)

(Hi! Sorry for not posting in a week but I did do like 9 chapters in 2 days before. Chapter 12 might be out tomorrow or the day after. I'll see how busy I am! As usual, feel free to leave any comments on this part!)

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