chapter 6

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Jack's Pov

Emily walked with Payton behind her. She almost looked mad her eyes were shooting daggers at someone. Who. I traced her glare to Trev whatttt. Her brother. Who knows. She sat down next to Dawson.

"What movie do you guys want to watch" I ask

"Top Gun Maverick" Dawson calls out.

"Deal" we all agree. I switched it on. I was sitting next to Payton and Trev. Next to Trevor was Jesper then Nico. On the other side of Payton was Emily then Dawson and Timo and Dougie. I grab the chips and start eating them. Trev got up to talk to Emily she was still shooting Daggers at him and seemed to be pretty annoyed that he was talking to her. Trev whispers something in her ear . She whispered back then pointed to where Trev had been sitting. Trev came back and sat next to me.

"what was that about" I ask.

"Just talking to Em" not even taking his eyes off the TV.

Trevor Pov

Emily hasn't talked to me ever since the message. So I decided to go talk to her I got up and walked over to her and whispered in her ear

"You're going to talk to me or what "

" wasn't planning on it"

"Come on Em please" I begged



"Go back to Jack Trevor" she said pointing to my seat. I left and headed back to Jack.

"What was that about" askes

"Just talking to Em" I say. We finished the movie. I noticed like half the boys were asleep. Payton and Emily, Jack and me were the only ones still up. Emily got up and looked out the window.

"Shit" she said. Payton got up and peered out the window. I got up and looked out the window with Jack. New Jersey had been completely covered in snow.

"You guys can sleep here" Jack offers. To my shock Emily took the offer.

"Let's watch a show " I Suggest

" What' Jack asks

"Gilmore Girls" Payton says. A smile grows on Emily's face I glared at Payton.

"Fine" Jack says. We start watching Emily switch on her phone.

"Hey Jack have you seen this" she asks. She says showing us I laugh when I saw that.

  She says showing us I laugh when I saw that

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User45: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dmercer:HAHA well Jack is better

Love me again : Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now