chapter 12

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Emily's POV

I woke up, my head was on Jack's chest.  I stayed there just letting my head rise and fall with his breathing.  After about five minutes I got up.  I was still the only one up.  Nico and Dawson were sleeping right next to each other.  I took a picture to show them later.  I head to my room.  I opened the door.  Unzipped my suitcase.   I found some clothes  

I took them to the bathroom

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I took them to the bathroom.  Had a quick shower.  I put the clothes on did my normal skin care.  Put some mascara and lip gloss on.  I walked back into the boys room.  There still sleeping.  I wake each of the boys.  

"Emily. Why"  Jack asks

"Because the plane leaves in 45 minutes we be got to go like now" I say.  They each get up and get ready slowly.  We arrive at the plane with not many minutes to spare.  We all sit down and Decide to play cards on the flight to Ottawa.  The plane rid was quick and when we got off and head to the hotel.   We all went to Dawson's room after.  I soon discovered how tried I was.  I flopped on Dawson's bed and soon I felt my eyes close.  After a little while a felt a shake on my shoulders.  I opened my eyes to see Nico standing there.

"What why you wake me up" I say still very clearly tired.

"Because it's been like two hours". I flip him of before head to the bathroom to check how much of a mess I was.  I wasn't really that much of a mess shocker. I walk into the living room to see Jack and Dawson siting there watching a movie.  They pause the movie. 

"So princess how was the sleep" Dawson asks

"Well for your information it was great" I say.  I sit next to Jack as they play the movie.  Then my phone rings I look to see who it was. Uhhh it was Payton just the person I want to talk to.  I pick up or else I will just get endless texts from Trevor.   

"What do you want" I say a sharp tone in my voice noting that I don't care what she has to say.  I walk away from Jack and Dawson.   

"Emi we just want to talk" Payton's pleaded 

I sigh before saying "fine you have ten minutes"

"Emi please we just want to talk to you" Trevor say

"Over the phone cause you just left me here"  I say

"Emi please I can explain" Payton says.  

"All I got was a god damn note" my voice starts to raise so I head into the bedroom. 

"Emi please" Payton's eye's start to tear up

"A fucking note that's all I get" I say I interrupting her.

"Emi please" Trevor says

"Stop fucking calling me Emi"  I yell.  

"Come one Emily just be  reasonable here" Trevor started stroking Payton's back as she was balling now.

"Oh I have to be reasonable here you guys just left and  all I got was a fucking note "

"Emily why can't you see that we do care for each other." 

"Because Trevor you have treat my best friend better then you have me my whole life and I fucking sick of it and I'm done with this bullshit ".  Payton stared crying even harder.  Trevor kiss her on her forehead.  Really they had to do this in front of me.  I hang up.  Done with this bullshit.  I fall back on the bed tears streaming down my face.  I turn my phone on silent.  Payton had Trevor and unlike her I had no one and least that's what I thought


One of my shorter chapters 


Brutal by Olivia

All I did was try my best

This the kinda of thanks I get

Unrelentlesly upset

They say they say these are the golden years

But I wish I could disappear 

Ego crush is so severe 

God it's brutal out here 

Love me again : Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now