chapter 13

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Trevor's POV

"Payton she hung up" I told her.    Emily could be very stubborn at times but she was still my little sister and I loved her but man this was fucking hard.  

"Trev what do we do she is still mad at us" Payton asks me with tears in her eyes. 

I look back at her "I don't know"   I flopped onto my bed.  "I'm going to get Starbucks to want some".  That seems to cheer her up a bit she nods as I get up.  I kiss her cheek then hop in my car.   I got a call from Jack I pick up 

"Hey Trev"

"Hey whats up"

"nothing I bored and want to call someone and Cole's not picking up"

"Hey Jack do you know were Emily is"

"Ya on the couch why"

"Like with you"


"Great thanks"

"Your welcome I guess"

"It's nothing trust me"

"Trevor" his voice becomes serious


"I know about the phone call"

"Jack what do I do my own sister fucking hates me" I felt like collapsing 

"I don't know, Trev she misses you"

"I thought she hated me"

"Trevor she's your sister she could never hate you".  I felt tears in my eyes

"But even before me and Payton started dating."

"No she misses you she loves you"

"She doesn't hate me"

"No your her older brother"

"Well now what do I do I've messed up shit"

"Come for our first playoff game that will meet the world to her"

"Great thanks Jack I've got to go"

———————-  —— —————-—— —————-—— ———————

This is what you get when I get writers block 254 words

Enchanted by Taylor swift

Please don't be in love with someone else 

Please don't have someone waiting on you

Love me again : Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now