Chapter 10

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Jack's POV 

We arrived at the rink.  I had plans for while they were all getting ready.  

"See you guys later" I say to Emily,Dawson and Nico.  I had plans to spend some time with Cole.  His surgery wasn't till next week.  I walked outside to find Cole waiting for me.  



"So we're to first" I ask.  

"Let's go to Tim's" he says 

"So how do you like Canada" I ask.  We hop in his car. 

"It's better then I thought.  The people here are nice and I love Tim's" He remarks.  

"That's good".  We arrive at Tim's.  Order are stuff then say down.  Then I got a text from Emily

Emily:Dawson want u to grab him a coffee

                                                                                        Okay his usual:Jack




Emily:can you grab be one pls 🥺🥺


Emily: Thxs 

"So have you learnt any French yet" I ask

"Nope".  He says. "What about you how do you like New Jersey". 

"It's good you know".  We talk some more and then head back to the rink.  I got a text from Emily

Emily:Are u cominggggg

                                                                                                 Be there in 5:Jack

Emily:Great see u soon 

"who you texting" Cole asks

"Emily" I respond. 

"Ohh so you two are like" He starts but I interrupt him

"No we are just friends"  

"Fine fine if you say so"

Cole were just friends"  I say .  We arrive at the rink.  Cole  goes to see his team and I go to the devils.  I arrive at the locker room.  Emily's already there  in the room.  I see her talking to Dawson and Nico.  

"Jack" Dawson said everyone heads turn.  Emily smiles at me.

"Hey" I say.  Dawson, Nico and Emily all walk over to me. 

"How's Cole" Emily asks. 

"Good you know" I say.  We start talking then the coach comes in and they all sit down.  

"Good luck guys" I say a go find Cole.  I found him sitting in our seats.  Scrolling through his phone.  

"So Jack 99 points" he said 

"Yep" I smirk 

 "Looks like someone had a breakout season" he says

"Took long enough" I say  expression changing.

"Hey at least you had it"

"Ya I guess".  The game started.   By the end of the first period it was 1-0 Canadians.  I got up and headed to get a slushy.   I got in line waiting.  Damn it this line was going to take forever.  So I texted Dawson.  


                                                                    Hey we're are you:Dawson 

Jack :grabbing a slushy 

Jack:good game so far   


 Then my phone went black.  Shit it had died.   Damn it.  I ran my hands through my hair now very boarded of waiting on line.  I was only two people away from that slushy.    I order my slushy and head back to Cole.  The Zamboni was almost done.  I sat back down.  

"Why are you miserable" he asks

"My phone died and now I have wait till I get back to the hotel" I say slouching back in my seat.  The game started again and I forgot all about my phone.   Soon the game was tied 2-2.  Now it was the third period 10 second remaining.  The buzzer rang and just like that we we'll in overtime.   Three minutes left in overtime Dawson and Emily were on a two on one.  The defender went down trying to stop a pass but Emily got the pass through to Dawson.  Who one timed it in the back of the net.  The devils bench cheer I cheer.  Emily hugged Dawson has the others made there way over.  I got up with everyone else and walked to the devils dressing room.  Waiting for them to come of the ice.  They all come in one my one pumped that they won.  I wait for Dawson to come in.  

"Sweet goal D" I say.  The coach gives his usual speech and Emily leaves for her dressing room.  She says she likes the quiet.  I go out to meet Cole.  

"Waiting for Nick"  I ask

"Yep who are you waiting for" he asks

"Nico,Dawson and Emily."  After a little while Emily came out. 

"Hey Cole" she says

"Hey Em"  Nick came out after that and him and Cole left.  Nico came out now we were only waiting for Dawson and finally Dawson came out.  

"Jeez  Dawson what took you so long" I ask.  We arrive at the hotel we leave tomorrow.  

"Let's go swimming" Dawson says.  

"Great" I say "I'll meet you guys  down there and we all head out to get changed.  I met Emily, Dawson and a couple guys from our team including, Dougie,Jesper and Timo.  Then Nico finally.  I jump it splashing water all over and on Emily.  

"Damn it Jack" she says angrily.  I begin splashing her with water.  "Bitch"

"Come in" I plead 

"Fine".  She jumps in.  

"chicken  fight"  Dawson calls out.  I hop on Nico's shoulders and Emily hopes on Dawson's. Me and Emily start fighting .  After a little while I push Emily down.  Timo and Jesper come in Jesper gose on Timo's shoulders and I start to fight Jesper.  Then I push him back.  I hop of Nico's shoulders.

"Champions"After an hour everyone leaves and me,Dawson,Emily and Nico go to my room.  We all get dressed and watch a movie.  I see Dawson's fallen asleep we keep watching the movie till I feel Emily fall asleep on my chest.  After a little while I fell asleep too.   


The newest Chapter and that's all I've got to say  

End game by Taylor Swift 

Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah
And you heard about me, ooh
I got some big enemies (yeah)
Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh, you and me, we'd be a big conversation, ah
And I heard about you, ooh (yeah)
You like the bad ones too

Love me again : Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now