Chapter 1

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Jack's pov

"But trev your my best friend and your sister hates me and she plays on my team can you at least try and to figure out why she hates me so much" I ask my best friend Trevor.

"All do my best" He answers.

"Thanks" I say as Trevor leaves.

"Hey Jack you coming" Nico calls. We were just about to board the airplane back to New Jersey just fishing our road trip in Anaheim.

"Coming" I call back. I board the airplane as I find a seat next to Dawson. We chatted for a little bit but after we were about half way he plunged his headphones into the movie thing and started to watch a film. I plug in my ear plugs into my phone and start listening to my music I felt nice listening to my music not just Trevor's Taylor Swift. At the moment I got a text from Trevor I clicked it it took me to the group chat named the boys with me Trevor and my other best friend Cole. All three of us play in the NHL. The text read

Trevor: I did it Jack

                                                                   Thanks Trev: Jack

Cole: What happened

                                                                                  It's complicated: Jack

Cole: That still doesn't make any sense

                                                        I'll tell you about it late Cole: Trevor

Cole: Okay

                                                                               See you guys later : Jack

I turned off my phone and started out of the window. I felt a sharp poke on my back but when I turned around to see Emily sitting in Dawson spot.

"What do you want" I ask.

"Why did you ask Trev to ask me why I hate you" She answered.

"Because I want to know why you hate me" I respond. She got up and left a few moments later Dawson came back.

"What was that all about"

"Girls are weird" I respond. Then I got a text from Emily a screen shot a picture and it all came back. The pain all came back into my knee. It all came back into my memory. The photo was from last year's Sportsnet page the title read Jack Hughes out with knee injury for the rest of the season. I hated to talk about my injuries let alone that one. I don't really know what happened but all I knew was that I was in pain. I showed Dawson. His eyes darted looking at the paragraph under the title. When he was done he looked up at me and said

"Ignore that shit Jack your one of the best players not just on our team but in the world".

"Thanks D" I respond. I was lucky to have a friend like Dawson. The plane came to a stop. We started to get off the plane. I walked off the plane with Dawson. We waited for our bags and when they came me and Dawson walked out of the building. I love living with Dawson his the best roommate. We hopped into my car I clicked on the key and started to drive to our house. I started driving but after a little while I got stuck into some traffic. Then some music started to play. I found Dawson smiling at me. I started to smile back at him. Thanks to Dawson the ride was a lot shorter than it could have been. When we arrived at our home it was a nice home we each have our own room. I sat down at the kitchen and went to the fridge to see what there was I found an apple

" Hey Jack pass me one" Dawson asks. I toss Dawson an apple and bite into my apple after I'm done I throw out the core and head to my room. I flop on my bed and I get a call from Quinn and to my shock he wasn't alone Luke was there too.

Quinn started "Hey Jack"

I responded "Hi". We talked and talked for hours. After a little while I hung up and fell asleep. I finally was comfy. My alarm woke me up at five o'clock. I got up and went to the rink there's a gym inside and I head there and of course who else would be there besides Emily. I plopped my earbuds in and started working out. I completely ignored Emily and mine by one business she seemed to do the same thing. I stopped for a squirt of water. Then I decided to go ask Emily why she would send me that text. I walk over to Emily. She was grabbing a drink of water.

"Emily" I asked. She turned around her pony tail almost hitting me in the face. Her eyes glared at me.

"What do you want Jack".

"I wanted to know why you sent that photo to me" I respond

"I just a little flash back" She responded with a smirk across her face . She knew I hated to talk about it and that was just one of the things me and Emily did to get under each other's skin. I hated it because she was the worst.

"Just like when we were younger" I returned the smirk. I don't know why but she hates talking about our childhood. We grew up together while me and Trevor were best friends but we kinda always shut Emily out being the younger sister we never really wanted her to be around. That was years ago and she was over at least that's what Trevor says. She yelled

"Shut up"

"Make me" I respond.

"Jack shut the fuck up now" she started to raise voice.

"Um no" I said clearly it's getting on her nerves. Then I got a text from Trevor. Perfect timing. I text him back.

Trevor:What you doing

                                                                                       nothing much:Jack

"Who are you texting" Emily asks

"Trevor" I answered with a grin. Emily turned around angrily and walked around back to her workout and I went back to my workout. I kinda forgot all about Emily and started my workout again.


I hope you liked the first chapter 😜. I hope to post at least once a week if I can. I'm sorry this chapter was a little boring. Bye the way ignore any spelling and grammar mistakes

-Hockey rulessss


Song lyrics = Treasure, that is what you are (you are my treasure)

Honey, you're my golden star (you are my treasure)

You know you can make my wish come true (you are my treasure)

Treasure by Bruno Mars

I don't know why but I'm going to put song lyrics at the end of each post😁

Love me again : Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now