Chapter 9

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Emily POV

I arrived home ready to talk to Payton but arrived to an empty house.  Maybe she was  busy.  I went into the kitchen where I found a note lying there to me.  

Dear Emily

I don't know if you're ever going to be able to forgive me but I want you to know that Trevor makes me happy and I could never choose between the two zegras twins.  You both bring so much joy into my life.  I want you to know that if me and Trevor date nothing will ever stand in between our friendship.  Our friendship means the world to me.  I want you to know that me and Trevor have been secretly for some time now but that hasn't changed anything between us.  Emily living with you has been the best experience of my life.  I love you so much and I holed all our memories very close to our heart.  I adore shopping with you.  Hang out at parties and grabbing food on the way to hockey. I hope you can see the passion me and Trevor have built up for each other.  I know that you and Trevor might not have the best relationship but that doesn't mean ours will be affected.   I have been offered a photo shot that will pay me a lot of money down in Anaheim.    So I will be living with Trevor for the next couple of months.  A month and two weeks.  I hope you can forgive me 



I felt tears fall from my cheeks and fall on to the paper creating water spill makers on the paper.   I sat down still. Tears streaming down my face.  I clutched the paper in my hands.   I'm sick of Trevor taking everything from me and taking Payton from me was the last straw.   What does she mean they have been dating for a while now.  They have been secretly dating be hide my back.  We're  supposed to be best friends you know tell each other everything not secretly date my twin brother be hide my back.    I rip the paper grab a pillow and flung my face into it.   I pulled my face away seeing the makeup stains.  Shit they should come out.  I need to talk to someone.  So I called the one other person that knew about this.  Jack.  I didn't care that I was a mess.  I dialed his number.  He picked it up on the first try.  One glance  at my face and he could tell something was wrong. 

"Emily what's wrong" he asks concern in his voice.  

"P P Payton"  I chock "she left for Anaheim. She said she had a photo shot." 

"Do you want to come over, Dawson at Nico's tonight"  he asks.  I nod.  I grab my stuff I'll need for tonight.  Comfy clothes,skincare,change of clothes and makeup.  I head over to Jack's.  When I arrive his sitting on his couch.  I'm still a mess.  He pats the couch in front of him.  I sit down and he pulls me back so my head is leaning his chest.  He stares drawing circles on my back.  He must have read from my body language that I don't want to talk.  We sat just watching TV for about an hour.   Before someone finally says something.

"Emily I'm sorry for all this shit you've been going through" he says.  

"It's not your fault Jack" I say.

Oh shit It's twelve we should  get to sleep." he says.  "come on  will sleep in my bed".  I pull my PJ's on and meet Jack in his room his shirtless and looks really tired.  I take my makeup off do the rest of my skin care routine brush my teeth and then climb into bed with Jack.  He wraps his arm around me and whispers in my ear.

"Night Em"

"Night Jacky" .  I fell asleep right then and three. I wake up finding Jack still sleeping. So I gently push him and whisper his name.

"Jack Jack lazy ass get up" His eyes still half closed 

"Bitch I'm trying to sleep." he says 

"I know and we have to leave in an hour"

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