Three's Company - Scallison, Styderek

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When Scott walked into the restaurant he had been completely shocked. He immediately grabbed Allison's arm and pulled her down so they were hiding behind a very large plant.

"What's going on?" Allison whispered. Scott couldn't even bring himself to tell her. Sitting in the restaurant at a table by the window was a certain strawberry blonde banshee and a particular broody alpha. She had her hand on his arm as they clinked their wine glasses together. They were both smiling, something that was rare for the elder partner. Scott was completely mind-blown.

Lydia was on a date with Derek. Stiles was going to be crushed. 

Scott pointed to the table he was spying on and Allison processed the scene in front of her.

"Damn go Lydia," Allison praised, nodding appreciatively. 

"Seriously? That's all you have to say?" Scott questioned with his jaw dropped. 

"What? Derek's hot." Allison shrugged. 

"What about Stiles?" Allison had known about Stiles' crush on Lydia but she thought he had gotten over it after his real relationship with Malia. 

"The two people he's in love with are on a date!" Scott blurted out. "I have to go call him." Allison followed closely behind Scott as he snuck out of the restaurant, ducking behind a car in the parking lot. Allison rolled her eyes at his attempt to be stealthy. 

Stiles was finishing up in the bathroom when his phone started ringing. 

"What's up Scotty?" Stiles asked, placing his phone on the counter as he washed his hands. 

"I have some bad news." Stiles' mind immediately started racing with all of the supernatural possibilities. 

"Did something happen?" He asked. 

"I don't know how to tell you this but Lydia is on a date." Scott tried to break the news as softly as possible. "With Derek." 

"What? How do you know?" 

"Allison and I almost went to the same restaurant. We're outside." Stiles nodded to himself as he processed what Scott was telling him. "Do you want me to say something?" 

"No. It's okay. I'll handle it." Stiles hung up the phone and Scott continued to spy on there date. 

Stiles left the bathroom, sliding his phone into his pocket.

"What took you so long?" Lydia questioned as Stiles sat back down with his back facing the window. 

"Sorry, I had a phone call with some very upsetting news." Stiles sighed, trying not to laugh. Derek and Lydia's expressions both shifted to concern. "Apparently you guys are on a date." He announced causing Lydia to hit his arm for scaring them.

"That's just the most terrible news." Derek said with mock pity, his arm draping over the back of Stiles' chair. 

"Scott called. He and Allison are outside." 

"Should we give them a show?" Lydia asked with a playful grin. She leaned into Stiles, pressing her lips to his. When she pulled away, Derek did the same. Stiles could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket but he didn't care to check as werewolf tongue slid past his lips in the middle of an Italian restaurant. 

Scott stared, jaw dropped as his best friend made out with two of their hottest friends. 

"I stand corrected. Go Stiles!" Allison cheered. "Now can we go eat? I'm starving." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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