The Nanny - Sterek

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Derek hadn't known what to expect when Stiles stumbled through his door holding a series of Bristol boards and an easel. He was even more confused when Stiles began setting up for a presentation in his living room. Most of the pack had finished school a few weeks before and he was sure he had watched Stiles cross the stage to get his diploma. 

"What's going on?" Derek grumbled as Stiles organized his posters on the easel. 

"I have a proposal for you." Stiles announced, trying to sound much more confident than he felt. Derek tried to push aside all the dirty thoughts the threatened to bubble up at Stiles' mention of a proposal. 

"Okay..." Stiles gestured for Derek to sit on the couch. 

"So as you know I have recently graduated and naturally I am looking for a job. Originally, I was going to go to Quantico and pursue a career as a member of the FBI." Stiles removed the blank poster from the front of the stack to reveal a photoshopped image of him in an FBI vest helping Derek out of a burning building. Derek growled lowly at the image, looking unimpressed by his portrayal. "But due to recent threats in the county, I can't feasibly leave all this behind. Plus I don't think I want to be stuck in any sort of training room for long periods of time, especially after experiencing total freedom over the last month and-"

"Stiles get to the point." Derek grumbled, crossing his arms. Stiles panicked and turned back to his poster boards, trying to skip ahead in his presentation. When they all tumbled to the floor Derek stood and and grabbed Stiles' shoulders to hold him still. "Just ask." 

"I want to be your caretaker." Stiles blurted out.

"What? I don't-"

"See? This is what the presentation was for. I had it all laid out with pros and cons and reasons and-" 

"Can you give me the spark notes version?" Derek asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"Fine. Yeah." Derek backed away from Stiles, releasing his shoulders and sitting back on the couch. "So you have a bunch of werewolves in and out of your loft all the time. Now that they don't have school, most of them will be here all the time at all hours of the day. I can do all the grocery shopping, cook for them and clean up after them so you can focus on your alpha werewolf duties and other business. Maybe even get yourself a girlfriend." Derek raised his eyebrows at Stiles' last comment. "Sorry. I just mean uh-"

"I know what you mean." Derek muttered. "So what's in it for you?" 

"I get a place to live away from my dad, and get to save up for college if I do decide to go, or get my own place. I'd be close to the pack and finally feel like I'm contributing something meaningful." He hadn't meant to say that last part but by the way Derek softened he knew it was the right move.

"And I would be paying for you services." Derek reiterated earning a frantic nod from Stiles that was riddled with anxiety. "Fine. You can be the nanny." Derek grinned at Stiles reaction to his new title. 

"Not exactly what I was thinking but-"

"You can start Monday." 


Stiles spent the weekend moving his stuff into one of the empty rooms in Derek's loft. By the time Monday came around Stiles was ready. He started cooking breakfast for Derek around 8 surprised to see the man waltz into the house around 9 followed by a group of starving werewolves. 

"Sweet, there's breakfast?" Scott grabbed a piece of bacon off of the plate that Stiles had so nicely prepared for Derek. Isaac came in behind him grabbing a pancake and slice of orange while Erica grabbed the mug of coffee that had been prepared. 

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