Siege Etiquette-Stydia

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Based on Siege Etiquette by Katie Cotugno

"Everybody hide!" It was Allison's voice calling out over the crowd. She shut off the music and someone else turned off the lights while the crowd dispersed. 

"Lydia, come on!" Jackson ran past me not even stopping to see if I was following him. I was about to go after him when I got pushed in the other direction. I sprinted down the hall and into the first room, locking the door.

"Oh uh...I can go if you need to uh-" I turned around and saw a boy sitting on the edge of a bathtub. Of course, I ran into the bathroom. "I just came in here when people started freaking out." He looked up and I locked eyes with Stiles Stilinski.

"No, I'm okay... uh me too." His jaw dropped as he stared at me and I suddenly felt very subconscious. I sat down next to him on the edge of the tub. I had gone to school with Stiles for years but I had never really spoken to him. We sat in silence for a few minutes, sitting together in the dark. "You know Kira?"

"Yeah. She's dating my best friend Scott. He actually used to date your friend Allison." He explained and I nodded. I probably should've made the connection earlier. "Scott dragged me here." Before I could respond, a light shone through the window. I pulled Stiles down, out of the line of sight. We tumbled to the ground next to the tub and I laid on the floor next to him.

"Sorry," I mumbled, turning my head to look at him. I had never seen Stiles up close before. To be fair I had never really seen him at all. Especially not like this. He was cuter than I had thought. His hair had grown out and it suited him. The few instances I did remember of him he had his hair buzzed. The light moved away from the window and I sat up, desperate for a little distance. "Close call."

"It's okay." He replied though the words were far from clear. He was clearly flustered and the slight pink tint to his cheeks matched the one on my own. He stood up and offered me a hand. We sat back down on the edge of the bathtub. We stayed like that, in a comfortable silence until a loud bang came from the door. 

"Kira Yukimura! Open up!" Stiles let out a sigh of relief and I turned to him, silently questioning him. 

"It's not my dad." He chuckled running a hand through his hair. I had known his dad was the Sheriff but I never really made the connection at the moment. He wasn't Stiles Stilinski, the Sheriff's son he was just Stiles. Stiles the boy I was hiding out in a bathroom with.

"I know your parents and they would want you to open the door, Kira!" I wondered what Kira was thinking. If she was thinking about letting them in.

"Does this happen a lot? I don't usually go to parties." He wondered, giving me a shy smile. "I hear you throw the best." I let out a small laugh. 

"Sometimes." I admitted, "they usually leave after a few minutes." 

"Has my dad ever shown up?" He almost seemed embarrassed by the question. 

"No, it's usually just one of the deputies." I shrugged, hoping to ease some of his concerns. The Sheriff usually had other matters to attend to. 

"That's good at least. It's bad enough that everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. If they thought that I was a nark too I don't think I'd be able to live it down. It sucks being an outsider. Not that you would know anything about that. People would be insane to even consider leaving you out of anything-" I let out a chuckle and Stiles stopped, blushing even harder than before. "Sorry, I'm rambling." 

"It's okay." And it was. His rambling was quite cute. Not that I would ever admit it out loud. "I don't mind." My phone lit up on the floor and I wonder when I had left it there. Stiles bent down and grabbed it, handing it to me without even glancing at the screen. I smiled at that, used to Jackson's constant need to know everything. I had received a text from Allison asking where I was. I sent a quick text about hiding in the bathroom before turning off my phone. She didn't need to know I wasn't alone, or that I was enjoying my time with Stiles. "How's your senior year going?"

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