Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - Allisaac

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Based on "That '70s Show"

"Get off my boyfriend!"

The room was tense as everyone stared at Allison. She backed away, her eyes meeting Isaac's, guilt and embarrassment swallowing her as she saw his pain. She ran out of the room, ignoring Lydia calling out to her.

"I don't why she was so upset I was barely even touching you!" Stiles blurted out backing away from Isaac. Everyone glared at him and he raised his hands in surrender.

Kira and Scott sat on the couch, both still shocked by Allison's outburst.


"Isaac, I've called you like 6 times. We need to talk about this." Allison had stormed into Stiles's house, demanding to talk to her boyfriend. Isaac had been hiding out with the Stilinski's so he wouldn't have to face Allison or Scott. "Why are you making such a big deal about this?"

"Because it is a big deal when you yell 'get off my boyfriend' to someone who's not on me!" Isaac argued the first words he had spoken to her since the incident.

"It didn't mean anything!" Allison insisted. "You need to get over it so we can move past this."

"You're right. I'm over it. In fact, I'm over you." Isaac stated, crossing his arms as he stared down at the hunter. Allison's lips parted as a slight gasp fell from them.

"Wait, Isaac, what are you saying?"

"I think he's saying that he's breaking up with you." Stiles supplied, alerting Allison to his presence on the couch. She glared slightly at him before turning back to Isaac.

"Isaac." He refused to make eye contact with her as she fled from him for the second time that week. Isaac sat back on the couch, resting his head in his hands.

"So... I have a girlfriend and you don't," Stiles mumbled earning another glare from the heartbroken boy beside him.


"Stiles grandmother doesn't think I'm good enough for him! Me!" Lydia ranted to Kira, trying to distract her from the Allison drama. Her efforts were defeated when Allison came in walking over to their table. 

"Isaac broke up with me." She sighed, her head dropping onto Lydia's shoulder, ignoring the presence of the other girl. Lydia wrapped an arm around her friend, stroking her hair to soothe her.

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked, flashing Kira an apologetic smile. Allison shook her head slightly.

"I don't know why he's making such a big deal about this. I messed up, I apologized, what more can I do?" Allison turned to her friend for advice. 

"Do you still have feelings for Scott?" Kira asked, surprising Allison who hadn't noticed that she was there. Allison opened her mouth to speak but couldn't come up with an answer. Kira looked down assuming what Allison's silence meant. "I'm not going to just sit back and let you take him." Kira's voice was soft but her words were firm. "Scott makes me happy and I think I make him happy too."

"What are you saying?" 

"I'm not going down without a fight." Kira wasn't usually so stern but Scott was the first person in Beacon Hills to make her feel like she belonged. She loved him and she wasn't ready for their story to be over. Allison studied Kira for a moment, taking notice of the fire in her eyes. Realization set in and Allison knew exactly what and who she wanted. 

"I have to go." She ran away from Kira and Lydia, heading back to the Stilinski house. She walked right in and found Isaac on the couch, Stiles nowhere to be seen. She was slightly relieved as she approached him.

"Isaac, I have to tell you something." Isaac looked up at her as she sat next to him on the couch. 

"Well if it's 'get off my boyfriend', don't worry cause I already heard it." He scoffed. Allison took a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair. 

"No, look I have to tell you, you were right." Isaac furrowed his brows, not expecting those words to come out of the proud hunter's mouth. "When I said that, it did mean something. Look, I spoke to Kira and she made me realize that maybe I do still have some leftover feelings for Scott. And then she said that if I wanted him I'd have to fight for him. But Isaac, I know in my heart, the only person I want to fight for is you." Allison waited for Isaac's response as the werewolf shook his head. 

"Really? Oh boy! You like Scott but you like me a little bit more? What a bunch of crap!" Isaac knew it was a risk when he first fell for the hunter who was his best friend's ex-girlfriend but he had thought that they moved past that. "You know what I think? I think the only reason you were with me in the first place was to get back at Scott."  

"How can you say that? Okay, fine, maybe I do have feelings for Scott but what am I supposed to do?" Allison's voice broke as she poured her heart out to Isaac. "He was my first love! A part of me will always love him and you know what? You're going to have to deal with it and if you can't and you're gonna have to break up with me because of that, then fine. But that would be a real waste because I love you." The last three words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them but she didn't back down. Isaac froze, processing the words. They just stared at each other, processing what had just been revealed. 

I love you wasn't something Isaac had heard much in his life. Allison's eyes were wearing him down as she waited for an answer.

"I'm not saying it back." He blurted out. 

"I don't care." She didn't. She knew he cared for her and didn't need to hear him say it. She just needed him to know that she felt the same way. She kept her eyes locked with his until he finally gave in. Isaac cursed under his breath as he gave in to his feelings. He pulled Allison into his arms and captured her lips, his kiss saying all the words he couldn't. When they parted, Isaac rested his forehead on hers. A small smile spread across her lips.

"So...I hear there's a dance you wanted to go to." 

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