Dancing On My Own - Sterek, Stydia

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Derek didn't know why he had shown up. He had told himself it was so he could keep an eye on the pack but that wasn't true. The pack was more than capable of handling one night out without their alpha. He wished he decided not to go. 

He showed up to the club despite everything in him telling him not to. He stood awkwardly off to the side of the dance floor, honestly not sure of his place amongst the group of teens who danced around with each other. 

"Derek!" Isaac was at his side, a goofy grin on his face as he threw his arm around him. Derek gave him a look and he sheepishly removed it. "Come join us." 

"I'd rather not." Derek sighed. Isaac followed the alpha's gaze, smiling to himself when he noticed who the man was staring at. 

"Are you just going to stand here and mope the whole time?" 

"I'm not moping," Derek assured his beta, though what he was doing could definitely be classified as moping. 

"I guess I'll just hang here with you then." Isaac shrugged, leaning against the wall. 


"I don't think they're going to last." Derek froze as Isaac stared off into the distance.

"What?" He choked out nervously. 

"I honestly don't think he actually likes her, he just appreciates the idea of her." Isaac continued. "And I think she just likes the attention." 

"What are you talking about?" Derek crossed his arms, trying not to let on that Isaac was right about his thoughts. 

"You're staring." He shrugged casually though Derek felt his cheeks heat up. "I can also smell it on you. I think it's jealousy but I'm not sure. Maybe I should check with Scott-" Derek grabbed Isaac's shoulder, stopping him from going to get Scott. 

"He's been in love with her much longer than I've known him," Derek confessed, finally admitting to Isaac that he was on the right track. "Clearly there's something real there." Derek gestured to where Lydia had her arms draped over his neck, holding him close to her. 

"If you've given up all hope, why did you come? Obviously not because you wanted to get your boogie on." Isaac teased lightly, earning a low growl from his alpha. 

"I just needed to know. I needed to see it with my own eyes." Derek tore his eyes away from the couple, glancing at his feet. When he looked back up he watched as Lydia pulled him down, connecting their lips. He winced as his heart ached, turning to Isaac. "I should go." 


"You're right, I never should have come." Derek started to walk away but Isaac followed him outside. 

"Stop!" He called after him.

"He doesn't even look at me anymore. He didn't even know I was there. And I don't even know why I care but I do. I care about Stiles Stilinski and it's breaking me." Derek had been pushing people away for so long he wasn't sure how the skinny sarcastic human had weaseled his way in. He leaned against the front of the building, sliding down until he was sitting on the ground, holding his head in his hands.

"Derek, it's okay to let people in." Isaac squatted next to him.

"Derek?" The sound of a familiar voice pulled them out of their moment. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You left pretty abruptly and I wasn't sure if something happened or if there was a threat or-" Stiles stopped talking as he scanned over how Derek was sitting. "What's wrong?" Isaac glanced between the two before focusing on Derek. 

"I'll leave you two alone," Derek growled internally as Isaac disappeared. 

"I'm fine, it was too loud and I got hot." He shrugged coming up with the simplest excuse he could. Stiles chuckled and Derek looked up at him. "Shouldn't you get back to Lydia?" Stiles opened his mouth to answer but stopped. For once in his life, Stiles had nothing to say. He sat down next to Derek, careful to give the man his space. They sat in silence for too long, the awkwardness creating a canyon between them. 

"Is everything okay with us?" Stiles asked softly. Derek glanced at Stiles. 

"There is no us." Derek replied, the words like a knife through both of their hearts. Derek stood up, leaving Stiles sitting outside the bar alone. Derek hadn't made it very far by the time Lydia had gone out to look for Stiles. Derek watched as Stiles took her hand, letting her lead him back inside. Every part of Derek begged him to call out to Stiles. He wanted Stiles to at least look at him. But he didn't. He was gone. 

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