Labour - Stydia

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"One-sec Lyds."


"I said one sec."

"Stiles my water just broke." Stiles froze completely, taking a few seconds to process his wife's words before turning to her, eyes open wide. He frantically began running around grabbing his keys and rushing out the door. He helped Lydia into his jeep before climbing into the driver's seat and speeding towards the hospital. When they arrived, Stiles ran towards the front desk.

"Is Melissa here?" At the sound of her name, Melissa turned around, rushing over when she spotted Stiles.

"Stiles? What's wrong? Is Scott okay?"

"It's Lydia! She's in labour." Melissa sprung into action and soon enough they had Lydia in a private room waiting for the time to come. Originally, Stiles and Lydia didn't even want to go to the hospital due to Lydia's status as a supernatural. They had no idea what might happen but Melissa insisted they go and she would make sure they would be taken care of.

"How do you feel Lydia?"

"Like I'm going to kill Stiles when we get through this." She groaned, leaning her head into her pillow and clenching her fist. Melissa chuckled with a small laugh before leaving the couple alone.

"Here, take my hand." Stiles slid his hand into Lydia's and immediately regretted it when her next contraction hit. Stiles yelled out as he fell to his knees. "Are you sure you don't have werewolf strength?" Stiles squeaked from his place on the floor. She let go and allowed him to stand up.

"Stiles we're never having sex again." Lydia groaned as she tried to contain a scream. He gasped dramatically before cowering away under Lydia's intense glare.

"Okay got it no more sex. My hand got me through the first 17 years of my life I guess I can go back."



"Shut up." She reached for his hand as she felt another contraction coming on. When she couldn't find it she gave in and let out a scream. Stiles flew into the wall, letting out a groan as he landed on the floor. Lydia wanted to rush over and make sure he was okay but she couldn't bring herself to move. Lydia's scream reminded him of some of the other supernatural creatures in their lives and a plan formed in his mind. Less than ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Is that Melissa? Did she bring pain killers?" Lydia wondered hopefully.

"Not exactly..." Stiles opened the door and the room was suddenly filled with their pack members. He gave Lydia a sheepish smile.

"You invited the entire pack?" She scolded her anger fading into a pained groan.

"Not the entire pack..."

"You really think I would miss the birth of my little niece?" Scott asked with a giddy grin as he moved to Lydia's side.

"And I wasn't going to leave you alone with Scott and Stiles." Malia shrugged.

"At least somebody has my back," Lydia grumbled through clenched teeth, glaring at Stiles again.

"I don't really know why I'm here." Liam shrugged.

"Because Derek didn't answer my text," Stiles replied with a slight pout.

"You texted Derek?" Before Lydia could use the many choice words that were on the tip of her tongue, Melissa came through the door.

"I wish I could say I didn't expect this." She sighed. She pushed through the pack members and went to Lydia's side. "Okay, so it looks like you're ready to start pushing. That means everybody who's not a parent of this child, out."

"Wait!" Stiles called out before the others could leave. "I have an idea to help make this easier for you. If Malia, Scott and Liam each take some of your pain it should make it more manageable." They all turned to him in surprise.

"Stiles we can't ask them to do that." Lydia groaned before letting out another scream.

"Come on Lydia, you know we wouldn't let you suffer if we could do something about it." Scott placed his hand on her shoulder and a sudden wave of relief washed over her. Scott tensed as his eyes began to water.

"We're a pack." Malia agreed, taking Lydia's hand. Stiles turned to Liam expectantly as Malia let out a pained growl.

"Fine." He sighed before walking around and placing his hand on Lydia's other shoulder. Stiles took Lydia's hand and she smiled at him once again reminded of why she fell in love with him.

"Ready?" Melissa looked at all of them before resting her eyes on Lydia. Lydia nodded clutching tightly onto Stiles's hand. Lydia started pushing and the room was filled with groans and screams of pain.

"No wonder my mom was such a bitch." Malia muttered as she absorbed some of Lydia's pain.

"Just a few more."

"I'm never answering my phone again." Liam glared at Stiles as he held back a howl. Scott glanced at his mom, wondering how she made it through all those years ago.

"We are never having one of these." Malia growled at Scott. They all shared the pain until they heard the soft cries from the newborn. Lydia relaxed against the bed while Scott, Liam and Malia slid to the floor. Malia leaned against Scott as they took deep breaths trying to regain their strength.

Melissa brought over the freshly cleaned new born and handed her to Lydia. As soon as she laid eyes on the baby, Lydia felt tears streaming down her face. Stiles stood by her side in awe of her and the miracle they created. Malia, Scott and Liam stood up to get a look of their newest pack member.

"What's her name?" Scott asked as he reached out a hand to the little girl. Lydia nodded at Stiles to tell their friends the name they had picked out for their little angel. Stiles took the baby from her and cradled her in his arms.

"Everyone we would like you to meet Allison Claudia Stilinski." Stiles grinned proudly as he saw a tear well in Scott's eye.

"Allison." He whispered under his breath. "Can I hold her?" Lydia nodded and Stiles gently placed Allison in Scott's arms. Melissa felt pride swell in her heart as her son held the newborn. Malia moved to Scott's side and looked down at the delicate creature in his arms.

"Well maybe we could have one..." Malia admired Scott and the baby in his arms thinking maybe the pain would be worth it.

"As much as I hate to break this up, she needs to get some rest. All of you do." Melissa chuckled. Scott handed the baby back to Lydia and turned to his mom, throwing his arms around her. She stumbled back before returning the embrace. Malia, Scott and Liam left the new family to themselves. Melissa followed them out, giving them some time together.

"Mom!" Scott called after her as she started heading to the elevator. She stopped walking and allowed him to catch up. "Do you think you have time for lunch? I think I kinda owe you." She smiled shaking her head at him.

"You were worth every second." She assured him, kissing his forehead. "But I could go for lunch."

Lydia held Allison in her arms as Stiles sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

"We did it!" She beamed her eyes not leaving the beautiful baby.

"I love you," Stiles placed his lips on her forehead before doing the same to their little girl.

"I love you, too."

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