Chapter 39: We'll See

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Walking into an empty house was a blessing. Gabriel left her in such a confused daze, Ava found it hard to focus on anything but the way her left hand still tingled with his purposeful touch. What in the world was that all about? He berated me one moment and sought me out the next. And he actually apologized? Mr. Perfect that does no wrong apologized to me? Again, it was the side of Gabriel that she wanted to know better, but that boy kept everything so well under wraps, not caring if anyone judged him wrongly. Ava was starting to think that her prejudices towards him were just that-wrong.

Exhausted physically and emotionally, she trudged up the stairs, wrapping the long arms of his sweater around herself to keep warm. Rain-soaked, she needed to take a shower before bed, but when she stepped in front of the mirror to finally look at herself, all of the doubts came rolling back. Pathetic. Her skin was pale and the overall dullness snapped her back to reality. He was just being nice. He felt sorry forme, apologizing for my sake.

She tugged the sleeve up to her nose and inhaled his scent deeply. God, how she wanted him. She was reluctant to take off the false comfort that his sweater brought her. Slowly, she lifted the oversized sweater over her head and in that moment realized how vulnerable she now felt without that extension of him covering her skin. Cold, completely naked, and confused. Then it hit her. Fuck. I left my clothes in his truck. He's going to see my bra and underwear. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She prayed that he would be a kind enough of a gentleman to not notice her Batman undies and non-distinct 32A bra. I pray to God he just rolls my clothes into a ball.

Knowing there was absolutely nothing she could do about it at this point, she huffed and turned on the hot shower. Washing away the night's drama was no easy task. She was the one that walked away from him in the parking lot, and it bit her in the ass. She had every reason to do so, though. He was being an irrational and condescending jerk. He had made assumptions about her and Jared, and she didn't want to stand there and listen to his bullshit. Her pride and anger got the best of her. Trying to walk home that late was definitely an idiotic and rash decision on her part, and she still wondered what the hell she would've done if Gabriel hadn't come to her rescue. It had to be him of all people. Now he was going to think that she was completely inept. Good going, Aves. I try to act tough and turn away, only to end up running and crying right into his arms. And damnit if it didn't feel fucking nice.

She stepped out of the shower and after getting dry, she took his clothes with her, not wanting to part from them just yet. She even considered putting his sweater back on, but decided against it. Don't be weird. She lay in bed, just staring at the ceiling. The ceiling only served as a huge projection screen of her mind replaying the way he looked at her as he held her hand. He sure as all hell seemed like he meant what he said. Maybe she needed to take Justine's advice and see where this went. Give him a chance. She could hear Justine whispering into her ear. Then his words came to mind "I know what you think of me. I don't blame you. But I'm working on it." What the hell did that even mean? Why would he care what she thought of him? She was a nobody, and there was no reason he should bother to work on a damned thing. She wasn't expecting him to. He was already perfect by conventional standards. She didn't belong in his world in the first place, and he sure wouldn't be one to lower his standards for her.

Her mind would not stop fantasizing about him. When she drifted off into sleep, her dreams were plagued with Gabriel. The events of the night were rewritten.

Instead of reaching over to place her seatbelt over her lap, he leaned over, looking at her with ravenous eyes. His hands moved to the hem of the sweater. Fingers slowly brushed just above her hip and made their way up to her ribs. There, he toyed with the feel of his hands on her skin. He was making her squirm. She leaned into his hand, pushing her chest out at him, clueing him into where she wanted him to touch her next. She bit down on her lip, the anticipation slowly killing her. He smiled devilishly at her and let the edge of his thumb rub the side of her breast. She whimpered but encouraged him with longing in her eyes. His mouth hovered just in front of her lips, not yet letting her touch him, but allowing her to feel how controlled he kept his breathing, while her breaths were ragged and shallow. When she couldn't take it anymore, he let her have his lips, while his thumb rubbed on her peaked nipple. Their rapturous kisses reflected two very starved lovers. His lips knew exactly what they were doing. Slow and deliberate. His hands now worked with the same expert fashion to please her. They needed this with every fiber of their bodies. They needed more. The hunger drove them, and they couldn't get close enough. There was only one more thing that would bring them even closer. His hands dipped lower to loosen the knot of her shorts, fingers tracing her skin as he worked the waistband lower. But suddenly, fear arose in her eyes. She wasn't ready for this. He sensed the change, and every movement stopped. Then...he was gone. Disappeared into thin air. She was left alone and cold. Everything seemed empty. The fire, the passion, Gabriel-Gone. Just like that.

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