Chapter 16: Dinner and Distraction

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Note:  They hate each other, but they can’t stop thinking about each other, which only spells trouble.



Although confused and offended by the way Gabe acted on the walk home, Ava managed to sit through an awkward dinner. Her parents were annoyingly lovey-dovey as usual, and her sister finally graced them with her presence, if you could call it that. She basically stayed glued to her phone the whole time.

With a sweet smile her mom wanted to know how the whole Guiliani meet and greet went. “So, sweetie, how was your friend’s family?”

Caught slightly off-guard because she was day-dreaming, Ava replied with “Hunh? Oh…It was fine. Her parents are really nice. They want to meet both of you too.”

“Well of course! Did they just want to come to the restaurant so we can all eat some food and chat?”

“Mom, you read my mind. That’s exactly what I suggested, and they were definitely up for it, especially Mr. Guiliani. He apparently loves Asian food.” Although, she was enthusiastic earlier about their families meeting, she was less so now that she knew Gabe would also be there.  Why did he have to be such a bipolar asshole? One minute he was sweet, caring, and attentive to her injuries. They even had a “moment” where she could’ve sworn he was going to kiss her, but it just as quickly changed as he mocked her, and basically made it clear that she would need a lot of work to come close to the type of girl he’d want to be with.  Why she even had her hopes up was stupid. It was stupid of her to even dream that she had any chance with Mr. Perfect.

Finally, Evie looked up from her phone and chimed in “Guiliani? As in Gabriel Guiliani the new guy at school? You went to his house?”

“NO! I mean, yes, technically I did, but not for Gabriel. I’m going to tutor his sister, and she invited me over today to meet her parents. I had no clue they were even related since I didn’t catch her last name until I got there. Trust me, if I could avoid that boy, I would have.” Ava didn’t want to mention that Gabe actually walked her home just a few minutes ago.  Her sister would have a fucking meltdown if she knew the hottest guy in school was just outside their house.

Evie of course didn’t let it just end there. “So, you’re going to be hanging out in a house with a hormonal teen-aged boy? He’s got all the girls in school after him, and it’s only his first day there. Total player on the radar. Dad, are you okay with that?”

Her dad replied with “Evie, I’m sure it’s not going to be a problem. I trust your sister. She’s there to help her friend, and I know she isn’t the type of girl to be easily distracted by a boy. Besides, she’s very capable of kicking his ass if he ever tried anything.”

“Grant! Language!” their mom screamed at him. He smiled shyly and said “Sorry honey. Slipped.”

Her mom then chimed in “Well, I for one, think it’s great for Ava to get out of the house and make friends. And she’s old enough to date if she wants to.  I think she has a good judge of character. Besides, Evie, you had a boyfriend since you were thirteen! Don’t think we don’t know about your many relationships. This whole town talks. I’ve told both of you girls before about being safe and protecting your reputation, and I pray both of you remember that.”

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