Chapter 18: Gym Therapy

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Note: So Gabriel had his feelings hurt. Ava will come to realize how much she is starting to feel for him, but right now, he doesn’t want to open up to her again. Also, Ava will have a little one-on-one session with one of her sparring partners which will guide her path a little differently.  You will also see a little of what Ava is really capable of. She’s kind of a bad ass, but doesn’t let others outside of the gym see that side of her.



During Chemistry class Gabriel remained distant. He was still thinking about what Ava had said. Mind your own damned business and leave her alone. That’s what she wants right? Why is that so fucking difficult? Because you wanted something else? Gabe kept thinking about those harsh words over and over. It hurt. It hurt more than he wanted to admit to himself. But Ava was right, he needed to step aside and leave her alone anyways. His feelings were going in the wrong direction if he wanted to keep this year simple. He had every intention to keep things going the way they always had. Hook up with girls, hang with buddies. No real feelings. No strings attached. Wasn’t that how it had always been? The only problem was, he didn’t want to just “hook up” with Ava. Doing that would just feel wrong. He wanted to get to know her, be with her, and keep her safe. Everything about her felt different. This time, different wasn’t a good thing. He knew this was fate’s way of telling him to step back. After all, that’s what she wanted.

Ava noticed his solemn demeanor and the way his jaw muscles tightened as he stared aimlessly at his work. Even while sulking, he was still as handsome as ever. Usually by now, he would’ve said something annoying, but as they did their work, there was only silence.  What happened to him? This isn’t like him, and it’s somewhat disturbing.  All of the other times, she thought how bothersome he was to tease her, but now that he said nothing, it actually bothered her more. WTF? She had wanted him to leave her alone, right? Well, she wasn’t going to be intrusive and kept to her side of the desk as well. So the entire class period, they didn’t say a word to each other even though she was still wearing his hoodie. She started to feel uncomfortable in his clothes, and had a strong urge to take it off and hand it to him. So she did just that when the bell rang for the end of the class and the end of the day. She lifted the big hoodie over her head and silently held it out to him. Only when he looked up and made eye contact, did she manage to say “Thanks for letting me borrow this.”

All she got back in reply was a quick nod and aversion of his eyes. He looked upset. What the hell was wrong with him? He abruptly grabbed the hoodie out of her hands and carelessly tossed it in his gym bag on the floor. That was rude, thought Ava, but she ignored it and sighed while packing away her notebook and chemistry book. She walked out before him, and made it to her locker before she had to see him in close proximity again.

Gabriel just sat in his desk for a few extra minutes. That was damn hard. When he looked in her eyes and saw what seemed to be concern in those green eyes, he wanted so badly to give her a soft reassuring smile to let her know that everything was okay. But it wasn’t. He wasn’t okay. He didn’t want to smile. When she took off his favorite hoodie, it was like she was parting ways with everything that concerned him. He couldn’t even look at the hoodie. He threw it in his bag as quickly as he snatched it out of her hands. He couldn’t find it in himself to say anything back to her, so he just nodded and looked away, swallowing a lump in the back of his throat. There she walked, out of the room and out of his life. He had to let that happen. It was the only way for him to keep some sanity. Let her go. That’s what she wants, anyways.

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