Chapter 5: What Is the Nerd Doing to Me?

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This is a reiteration of the previous chapter in a more Gabriel tone.

**Edited 12/22/14**


“Shit! What the Fuck!!” Gabriel couldn’t believe the little nerd girl just made him bang his knee on the locker. With his knee still throbbing, he threw his books into the locker and shut it quickly. It was on. He was going to get that girl back.  He turned to run after her, but he could barely see her as she ran away and turned the corner.

Honestly, Gabriel was quite amused at the balls that Ava had, so he found himself grinning while chasing after her.  Damn! That girl is fast when she wants to be.  Luckily, it didn’t take much for the other students to move aside while he caught up to her.

As he turned the corner, he caught the sight of that blonde bitch Claire pushing Ava down. Seeing her shove Ava really pissed him off.  His jovial grin disappeared quickly. The anger he felt was undeniable. He could already feel the blood pressure rush to his head. Even his breathing got heavy at the thought of anyone hurting Ava. Claire was very lucky to be a girl. Otherwise, he would have had her pretty face against the lockers by now. 

Just as infuriating was the fact that now some douche-looking dude was holding onto Ava and being the big hero as he made his way towards them. Gabriel didn’t exactly know why, but it was annoying the shit out of him at how she was looking at the other guy with those big needy, doe-eyes. She sure as hell didn’t look at him like that.

Simply out of reflex, Gabriel reached out to grab Ava’s arm so he could pull her away from the guy he recognized from the football team.  Jared-something or another.  After realizing how pissed he was at the situation, he checked on Ava who looked scared to death of him. Damn, she must think I’m mad at her for that ridiculous stunt she pulled back at our lockers. 

 Gabriel must have pulled her arm a little harder than he intended to, because she immediately shouted at him. “Owwwww! Shit! What the fuck, Gabe??!” It was only then that he noticed her leg cocked up as she supported herself by placing a small delicate hand on his strong chest. Shit, I’m an asshole. She was really hurt, and it made him want to pull her into his arms and kiss it all better. What the hell am I thinking?? Kiss it all better? I’ve got to get my head straight; this girl is turning me into a fucking wuss.

He went into a small panic at the thought of actually caring for this girl who was practically still a stranger. He had to keep his cool. The only thing he could think of to reply with was, “Geez, clumsy much, little nerd? Serves you right for your sneak attack on me back there.”  And there it was. He was back to his usual sarcastic charm. He couldn’t let any girl ruin his blasé reputation. He wasn’t here to make friends and definitely not a girlfriend.  However, he couldn’t make himself let go of her arm. Admittedly, he enjoyed having the light weight of her hand on his chest. It felt nice, the way her tiny hand rested there. 

Gabriel could see Jared make his move on Ava again, and he immediately stopped Jared’s forward motion with a quick “Nah, man, I got this. I’ll take her to the nurse’s office.” Jared obviously didn’t like that interjection. His eyebrows came together, but he was trying to keep his cool in front of Ava and the crowd that had managed to surround them.  Jared decided to let the other man have his moment and backed off. He wasn’t looking for a fight today, even as cute as he thought that shy girl was. Gabriel silently pat himself on the back for being diligent on working out this past summer. It provided him with a little more muscle mass than most of the guys here, and he didn’t think Jared was going to argue with him on this one. 

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