Chapter 20: A Most Awkward Dinner

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Note:  The families finally meet, and it isn’t exactly hunky-dory between Ava and Gabriel.

Sorry for the delay in update. The holidays were quite busy at work, and I had to travel out of town. Thanks for hanging in there with my story!


 On the way home from school, Ava remained anxious about tonight, and Evie picked up on the strange vibe. “What the hell is wrong with you? You look like someone kicked your puppy.”

Sighing, Ava, turned to her sister. “We have that dinner thing with the Giulianis tonight.”

“And? Aren’t you friends with that girl?”

“Yeah, but her brother is going to be there too, and I really can’t stand that asshole.”

“Gabriel Giuliani is having dinner at our restaurant? What the fuck. The hottest guy in school?  I’ll gladly sit by him all night. I’ll do us all a favor. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be caught anywhere near you either.” Evie said with a negative snort.

Ava wasn’t arguing that fact. It was true; he probably didn’t want to be there either. He had been avoiding her just as much as she was avoiding him. It was mutual hatred between her and Gabriel. The way he gallivanted around with his random chicks with a look of disdain for Ava said it all. She had just about quelled that physical attraction she had for him. Tonight would be no different. Act like you don’t care about what that ass-whore does. It was true—she was starting to not care anymore—or so she tried to convince herself.

All week, she would get a small lump in her throat whenever she saw him with other girls, but that lump was easily swallowed, and she carried on as she always did—alone. It wasn’t too difficult to get over him because all week, his words remained short and terse, that is, if he even bothered to talk to her at all. The Rachel Carpenter incident was just another nail in the coffin of their attempt at “friendship.” It wasn’t going to happen. Fine by her. Who needs fake friends anyway?

Ava stayed silent on the car ride home. There was nothing else to add. Evie was right. Gabriel couldn’t stand her either.

When they entered the house, it was empty. There was a note on the refrigerator from their mom.

At the restaurant with your Dad. Getting things squared away for the dinner tonight. Already called the Giulianis. It’s a go for 7. We will see both of you here. Don’t be late!

Love, Mom

Damn it, this was really happening. Tonight.  Gabriel.  At the same table in public.  Fuck. She was really not motivated to go upstairs to shower and get ready, but she knew she had to if she didn’t want to embarrass her parents. Besides, this whole dinner was for them to meet her friend’s family anyway. So Ava basically screwed herself over from the start. Why did Gabriel have to be Justine’s brother, of all people? Again, Fate, why fuck me over so badly?

Evie was already occupying the other bathroom and getting ready. It always took her at least 2 hours to put on the ridiculous show that was “The Beautiful Evelyn Mai.” Ugh! Ava was going to look like shit compared to her sister. She already had bags under her eyes from the exhausting day of playing the avoidance game. She looked tired and pale and her hair was in a messy ponytail.

Since it usually didn’t take long for her to get ready, she decided to lie down on her bed and catch up on a few of the Wattpad stories she had started reading.  Her little dachshund Ozzy also decided he wanted to lie down for a nap snuggled next to Ava’s legs. She was finally able to wind down and cozy up to a good story that had no mention of a boy named Gabriel.

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