Chapter 44: The Imaginary Girlfriend

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Thank God school was over with. After getting the hint that Gabriel didn't want her associating with his friends either, she had to swallow her pride and made it out of the building as fast as possible. It was her own damned fault after all. She was the one that mentioned that she was uncomfortable around 'his people.' In actuality, she only meant the girls that were in Claire and Evie's group. The guys were generally indifferent towards her. After talking to Brad, she realized that Gabriel had at least one decent friend. Brad didn't seem fake or cocky at all. In fact, he was quite down-to-earth.

Gabriel had every right to ignore her and keep his distance himself, but it was an asshole move to think that he could get everyone else he knew to ignore her. She also didn't forget the rumor that Gabriel now had a girlfriend. She could still remember the leggy red-head she saw a month ago after the movies. Simone was definitely beautiful and just Gabriel's type. Why he hadn't mentioned his girlfriend at all irked Ava because it was so typical of a player like him to pretend he was still a bachelor in order to keep his options open. She actually felt a little sorry for Simone. The girl probably had no idea just how 'friendly' her boyfriend was with the girls at this school. Since Simone no longer attended Bayview High, it just seemed all too convenient for Gabriel. It wasn't like he didn't admit it himself. He had mentioned to Ava just a week ago that he'd make a shitty boyfriend. At least that was one thing he was honest about.

Ava had decided to jog over to the Giuliani's house to expel some of her pent-up energy. It was just shit luck that her best friend happened to be Gabriel's sister, so she really couldn't just vent her annoyances to Justine. On the way there, she was deliberating on how she would approach Gabriel if she happened to run in to him. She wasn't banking on being able to avoid him altogether while she was at his house. She was already sweating from the run, but doubly so, now that she was getting anxious. She'd have to pretend that his apathy didn't affect her self-esteem and try her damned hardest to keep a neutral, uncaring façade.

She rang the doorbell just after texting Justine that she was there. She could hear her friend scream "I'll get it!" before the door swung wide open to a grinning Justine.


"Sup, Juss."

"Oh my gosh! I HAVE to show you my homecoming dress!" Justine grabbed Ava's hand and practically dragged her upstairs.

"Geez. Hold your horses, woman. I'm going to bust my ass and fall down your stairs."

Justine let go. "Sorry! I'm just excited!"

"I see that. You're bordering on psycho."

"I know. But this will be my first dance at this school, and I have a date that I actually like...a lot."

Ava smiled at how happy both of her friends were. "I don't blame ya. I'm really glad that you and Jared are together. I know I've said it before, but you two are just so perfect for each other."

"Awww. Thanks, Aves. I'm so relieved that the three of us can all still be cool with each other. Thanks for not making it awkward." Justine gave her a small hug.

"I think deep down, I always knew Jared wasn't the guy for me. I was just happy that ONE person thought I was interesting enough to go on a date with, so I got caught up in that moment. But Auntie Lillian was right, there just wasn't anything there." Ava shook her head, thinking back on Lillian Chen's words. That lady swore that there was something between her and Gabriel. If only she knew how one-sided that observation was.

"Well...speaking of dates. What do you think about going to the homecoming dance as a double date?" Justine wrung her hands, expecting her friend to freak out, and freak out she did.

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