Fighting the Shadow

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Byleth was a bit shocked. Or maybe not; her uncertainty had died away. She realized her curiosity to talk to the new student was due to a bad feeling, and her senses were finally correct.

"You challenge me to a duel?" Byleth gave a small laugh. "After all, it looks like that's the only thing you'll accept as proof of my will. Although, I have to ask: what if I beat you?"

"I'll tell you everything you want to know about me." Ernest's cool demeanor was mixed with a tone of righteousness. "I will be your loyal companion and ally in the coming fight."

Byleth sighed as she lowered her head. She felt that things were drifting towards a somewhat 'violent' picture. This wouldn't be battling training, exactly. It was clear that it could even be a duel to the death. The professor sensed in Ernest the will to kill. Something fearsome lurked behind his grim, composed demeanor. The professor also wanted to provoke Ernest to learn his real intentions from his mouth.

"Well...if you insist." Byleth sighed again. "Where exactly would you like to duel with me? Should we go to the training yard? We can make it official, with a judge, if you want. That would make it a fair challenge."

"Tell me... Do you think that I will fight with you as a magic swordsman? Think of my origin in the well from which I come. Imagine what kind of warrior I am... And please tell me if my way of fighting is worthy of the public."

"Then I'll ask you again: do you want to conduct our duel in an official setting, with an audience? Or do we find a quiet place and work this out between us?"

"Just you and me, Byleth. I think I was clear enough."

"Perfect; so be it," Byleth replied, rising from her seat. "We'll meet before midnight in the training yard, in that case."

"See ya, Professor," Ernest said, taking both plates to leave.

"See you..."

"Ah, something else, Professor Byleth," the young man added surprisingly. "Remember to bring your new acquisition. You will need it."

"What? How do you know..." Byleth was surprised again, although she no longer understood why she was doing it. "Perfect, I will satisfy your whims. Until tonight, Ernest."

Byleth hurried away. Her heart was pounding. She didn't know why. She didn't know if it was because of the disturbing presence of that guy or because she felt that she was being tested to show her will, something that hadn't been questioned recently.

"Don't let that brat scare you, mate," Sothis's voice echoed in Byleth's mind. "Don't think that he has as much power as he appears... You have me and a fearsome weapon in your hands," she added, further motivating the woman.

"I don't know..." Byleth murmured to herself, already inside her room. "I see something strange and dangerous in that boy... I think I see bloodlust in his eyes. Didn't you see that, Sothis?"

"It is evident that he is bloodthirsty. It must be someone quite skilled. However, his purpose for approaching you is still unclear. The only thing left for you is to beat him and have him tell you what he is and what he knows," Sothis replied as she appeared to Byleth.

"Then it will be."

It was already a few minutes to midnight. Byleth arrived at the agreed place. It was a cool night with almost no wind. The sky was clear. There was no one in the training yard. Or at least that's what she thought. Suddenly, she heard someone speak behind her. It was Ernest.

"It's good that you're punctual, Byleth."

"Who will strike first?" she replied, still turning her back on Ernest.

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