The Responsibility to Fight

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The next day Byleth got up a little earlier than usual. It took her a little while to fall asleep, but she could finally distract herself from all the ideas that had overwhelmed her last night. She washed and dried in silence. She dressed in front of the mirror while looking at her body curiously.

"I have never caught you admiring your own body, Byleth," Sothis said, peering around the teacher.

"What are you saying?" Byleth asked, embarrassed. "Well... I wanted to."

"Ah... Did you feel watched by him? Was it because of the hug he gave you?" the little girl asked Byleth.

At this point, Sothis is a personality that awakened within Byleth when she arrived at the Officers Academy. Specifically, it is an existence that woke up inside Byleth after being killed protecting Edelgard, the representative of the house of the Black Eagles, the class from the Adrestian Empire. Sothis used her mysterious powers no turned back time and allowed the professor to save herself and Edelgard simultaneously.

However, Sothis was primarily an advisor and confidante to Byleth, even if they could only speak to each other. However, the woman never thought this apparition was giving her advice this way.

"I think... It was because of the hug," Byleth replied, avoiding looking at the mirror again. "I better finish dressing right now."

"Okay, okay... You should skip preparing, especially with your new student... You don't want to spoil him so much," Sothis replied, smiling.

"Please... Don't confuse me anymore, please," said the teacher, finishing dressing.

"Okay... Just go to class."

Byleth hurried into the classroom to start her lesson. When she got to the school, the teacher met Seteth. He went looking for her on Rhea's orders. They were to discuss an important situation in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Byleth obediently moved to follow Seteth, but he requested that Claude be present.

The class representative gladly accepted. Ernest saw them getting ready to leave as he sat at his desk, waiting for this meeting to end. The boy was surprised to see how Claude ran to his desk.

"You're coming with me, Ernest."

"Um, good," was all the new student replied.

Claude came running with his new friend. Seteth looked surprised and annoyed at the same time. He had not liked the haughty character of the new student. Byleth couldn't help but be surprised. More than surprised, she felt agitated inside, despite her gaze expressing nothing. Ernest's concern was more marked.

"Byleth will need our support, Ernest," the noble said as they moved toward Rhea's room.

"Ehm... Is it really like that?" Ernest asked, trying not to look nervous around his teacher. "She's capable and strong enough to take on any assignment."

"But some moral support is never bad, is it, Professor?"

"Any support is appreciated, Claude," Byleth replied kindly and flatly. "And thanks to you too, Ernest. As a new student, you already offer to help in any way you can voluntarily."

"Um... Yes, voluntarily," Ernest said, looking weary at the class representative.

Seteth led the professor and her students into the room occupied by Rhea. He immediately stood to the right of her. Byleth and his two young men stood before the Archbishop and her adviser. The green-haired woman stared at the teacher, then at Claude, and finally at Ernest. She saw him again quite soon.

"Welcome to all three of you, " Rhea introduced. I had called all three of them for a special purpose... Would you continue with the details, Seteth?"

"Perfect," the adviser continued seriously. "Well, just like Lady Rhea said, you, Byleth, and Claude were summoned as representatives of the Golden Deer class for a special assignment for this month."

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