Seek and ye shall find

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Ernest has already recovered from his injuries. He learns of the current situation: Flayn, Seteth's daughter, has disappeared. He and Lysithea travel through Garreg Mach to look for her, only to run into Tomas, the librarian.

Then, the young man has a terrible dream, in which he sees a little girl suffering from a horrendous experiment. He realizes who is in the dream, but this experience will remain a secret.

A few days had passed, and Ernest had already recovered. Byleth had gone to visit him the first three days, but on the last two days of his recovery, the boy did not see her again. He assumed something had happened. At the time of being discharged, Manuela went to visit him to tell him the good news.

"Young man, you are now completely recovered," said Manuela, while giggling. "You are quite vigorous. These corrosive wounds often leave people stranded for weeks."

"I guess... Let's say I covered myself well," Ernest tried to give an excuse.

"How trustworthy you are," The nurse's flirtatious look was evident. "Perhaps you are worthy of protecting a maiden like me..."

"Yes, I suppose," Ernest answered, taking his things. "But I hope it's not necessary. I mean, I still have a lot to learn to be some kind of knight errant, don't you think? Maybe you'll meet a prince charming somewhere else."

"I'll just stay with the last part of your answer, boy," Manuela said, with a biting smile. "Now you can leave."

Ernest trotted away to get to the Golden Deer classroom as soon as possible. There he found Lysithea, who was reading.

"There you are, suicidal guy," she said, looking with some indifference at her classmate.

"Hello, Lysithea," Ernest replied, in a serious mood. "Has something happened? We should be in class now."

"Ah... That," said the girl, closing her book. "It happens that a couple of days ago, the superiors from the Academy gave the notice that Seteth's daughter, Flayn, had disappeared. So, everyone is looking for it and asking people.

"What? She?" Ernest asked, worried. "And why aren't you looking for her too? Stand up and come with me, right now."

"But I already searched yesterday and nothing..." Lysithea sighed to stand up. "I was at it all day. But I will accompany you."

Lysithea and Ernest continued their search for Flayn. At times they would meet their companions who were doing the same thing, although at times they would also laze around or read something. Raphael was even trying to lift furniture and stones to see if that little girl had gotten in there. Claude was up on the roofs trying to locate her. Suddenly, Ernest saw Shamir approaching them.

"Ah... So, you survived," Shamir said, without even greeting Ernest.

"That's right... Hello, Shamir."

"Looks like they need help. Let's go together to look for Flayn."

Without even being able to discuss it, Shamir joined the couple. There near the cemetery, the three found the librarian, Tomas. Shamir approached him to ask him something. Lysithea joined her. Ernest couldn't move forward. He was paralyzed. The boy felt a horrible weight on his body, and a discharge of gall in his blood. He was terrified. Then, Ernest felt something in that old man that he couldn't describe. Something he had never experienced. Or maybe yes, in some memory still lost due to so many traumas.

"Boy, please do something," said Shamir, with a serious attitude.


Tomas didn't know much. He theorized about some things, but nothing concrete. The old man only showed concern for the girl. The three thanked him and left. When they were far enough away from the old man, Shamir spoke to Ernest.

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