The Enemy Within, Part One

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Byleth, accompanied by Gilbert and her students, arrive in the territories of the Kingdom of Fhirdiad to fulfill the mission commissioned by Rhea.
Before breaking into the bandit lair led by Miklan, Ernest approaches Byleth to confess his feelings for her. The confusion within her increases, but it does not take her away from her mission, which they must complete as soon as possible.

Byleth was still restless. But she had to put those feelings in a corner far away from her mind, from her heart. And it is that now she could recognize that had something like a "heart". If coming to the academy had helped her open as a person and not just as a warrior, that month since she met Ernest made Byleth not only melt the ice, but something blossom in her. But she had to appease him, there was nothing else to do.

"Are you listening to me, Byleth?" someone asked Byleth, who was lost in her thoughts.
"Uh... Yes, of course, Gilbert. Excuse me."

"Is something wrong with you?" the veteran asked. "As I was saying, we must take the route to Ernmas, in the south of the Kingdom. Then, we can continue to Connal, in the Duchy of Fraldarius. Over there is the tower that Miklan and his subordinates have taken."

"Perfect," replied the teacher, with a serious expression. "I had also analyzed such a route. It is good to confirm this with you, ince you know the Kingdom well."

"When you say, we will leave, Byleth. It seems that the preparations are finished."
Of course, it was ready. Ernest rushed things. Something had him restless. He wanted to ascertain immediately what made him feel so strange. Byleth saw the scene, and without allowing himself to be shaken by her student, she ordered everyone to get into their corresponding floats.

She got on the float with Gilbert and other more experienced officers and guards. Suddenly, Claude also got on, just before the entire procession left.

"Hello, dear professor," he said, with his usual playful smile. "It seemed important to me to go with you at least one stretch. We need to discuss various details of the mission."
"Perfect, Claude," Byleth replied calmly. "You are more than welcome to come with us if you wish." 

Claude was there to see his teacher's reaction to this intimate encounter with Ernest. Although he also wanted to see mission matters to channel them with his companions, he considered that the situation with his new student could threaten the completion of the mission to a certain degree. Or at least he wanted to do something to prevent it.

"It seems that you and Ernest were able to carry most of the supplies alone," the heir to Archduke said, hiding as much as possible. "Do you think both have similar strength?"

"I don't know, Claude," she answered." I don't think it's important now to talk about it."

"Of course, it's not everything," Gilbert added, joining the conversation. "Physical strength is only part of what it takes to be a good warrior. The experience takes a majority fraction on the scene."

"Uhm... Well," Claude said, feeling like he couldn't go any further.

"What I've seen in training, at least, tells me that he has strength and knows how to use it to his advantage," the teacher said, looking at the ground. "I guess that's enough for a student of his age and level of experience."

Claude stared at Byleth. Surely, she knew a lot about that guy's strength. They had clashed over something. He didn't see the duel itself, but at least he saw how the two talked the day after that episode.

Meanwhile, Ernest was in the same chariot as Hilda and Marianne. The pink-haired girl was chatting animatedly with her friend while looking sideways at the boy. She wanted him to talk to her, but the new student seemed lost in thought.

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