Chapter 26

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The next day, on the rooftop of Shujin Academy after school...

After class is over, Mikoto, Ren, Ryuji, Ann and Morgana make their way up the stairs to the school's rooftop to begin their meeting and discussion of making and sending the calling card to Kamoshida.

“Tomorrow's finally the day.” Ryuji said.

“So we send the calling card in the morning.......and carry out the plan by the end of the day, right?” Ann said.

“That's right and that means we have to do it ASAP.” Ren replied as he nodded to Ann.

“Correct. The effect won't last that long.. Are you two worried?” Morgana replied before he asked both Ren and Ann a question.

“Heh. Waited long enough.” Ann replied.

“Soon he'll pay for what he did to us all.” Ren said.

“Perfect.” Morgana said as he nodded to them both.

“We're going to pull this off, no matter what!” Ann said determinedly to them.

“With that being said, who is going to write the card.” Mikoto asked quietly with her usual stoic expression and her hands together in a standing position.

“Leave it to me, Toudou!” Ryuji replied before the others could say anything.

“Why?” Ann said as she glanced dubiously at Ryuji.

“Why......? Why wouldn't it be me!?” Ryuji said as he scowled at Ann.

“Because this is important. Are you sure you can handle the pressure?” Ann said as she furrowed her brows at Ryuji.

“I must agree with Lady Ann.” Morgana said as he scratched his ear with his paw.

“Same goes for me too.” Ren said.

“Oh, come on, guys! I really wanna get him good! ......Lemme write it......C'mon, please?” Ryuji said in a pleading tone of voice to Miu.

“Alright then, Sakamoto.” Miu said quietly as she gave a small nod to Ryuji with her usual stoic expression and her hands together in a standing position.

“Yeah, I got this!” Ryuji said as he grinned excitedly at her.

“Hey, are you sure about this....? If they find out our identities, all the work we do will be for nothing.....” Ann said in a warning tone of voice to Ryuji.

“I know! I know!” Ryuji said unconcernedly to Ann's warning words.

“All right, then! Tomorrow it is! You better not slack off on this.” Morgana said as he glanced at each of them.

“Don't worry, we won't, Morgana.” Ren said reassuringly to Morgana.

“Well then, the meeting is over. Let's head home now.” Mikoto said quietly to them with her usual stoic expression and her hands together in a standing position before they turned around, left the rooftop and the school.


An hour later, inside Mikoto's bedroom.......

“Well, whether you like it or not, the real battle begins tomorrow after Kamoshida receives the calling card. Better be sure that you and the others are fully prepared, OK, Lady Mikoto?” Morgana said to Mikoto.

“Of course, Morgana.” Mikoto said quietly yet reassuringly to Morgana with her usual stoic expression and her hands together in a standing position before she felt her phone vibrating and she pulled it out to see and read the messages.

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