a new life

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~Eloise pov~

"Eloise, can you here me?" A rough voice spoke in a hushed tone, the voice belonging to the man holding me in his arms. Nodding my head in response to his question, I try to step away from this man but he just pulls me closer and holds me by my waist so that I was against his chest.

"It's ok to cry, you don't have to act emotionless sweetheart" my other new 'owner' says reaching his hand forward to wipe my hair out of my face. Looking up at the two men who apparently own me now, I can't help but notice that there quite handsome looking. I took the time analyse there facial features, while my so called father was getting my stuff. The first one I went over was the guy standing next to me and this other man, his dark brown hair was pulled into a man bun, his hypnotic green eyes staring at me with a look of what I can on assume to be pitty. This man also had light stubble on his defined jaw, scanning over his outfit I could tell they had money, his suit looked like it cost more then anything my father could of ever afforded, there where a few rings on his hands that only brought attention more attention to the fact that his veins where easily visible. After I finished memorising the god like man next to me i went to move on to the next man but George was coming back downstairs and I didn't want to have to look at the man who was selling his daughter because he was a drug addict. Once my father had reached the bottom of the stairs he dropped the bag that was supposed to be holding my stuff although it was only one of my old school bags so there was no way all my stuff was in that.

"Child, look at me NOW" George practically screamed at me, causing me to turn around and face him out of fear but I was still being held by the unknown god like man.

"Yes George" I responded bitterly, my eyes never leaving the ground, as to hide my hurt so that I don't give him the satisfaction of knowing I was upset over this.

"That bag has the clothes you brought yourself and some female hygiene products in it, everything else belongs to me. oh and here" he threw my teddy bear that my mother gave to me before she left my father and me in his care. "Take that shit thing two, you're going to end up a whore just as your mother did" he practically spat at me before turning around and heading back to the room where he spends most of his time, the drug room. The second he left I started to cry, putting all my weight onto the man that was holding me. I watch as one of the maids named Lola, runs over to where bumper (the teddy) was on the floor and picks it up holding it out for me to take like she had done on numerous occasions. I take it from her hand, sending her a small smile as a thanks despite the tears staining my face.

"Um w-would you like help with the s-... This is not all her stuff" Lola starts her question to the men only before interrupting herself in confusion.

"Can you just take her bag out to the car, and give it to the driver. Miss?" The man holding me instructed.

"It's Lola... Her name is Lola" I informed "she helps me, a fri-friend" my voice breaks as I come to the realisation that I won't see her again. Lola had grabbed my bag and bumper and went to head towards the car but was quickly stopped by the first man, the one holding me.

"Ok, Peter take Eloise to the car I need to adjust the terms of our deal first" the man who has been holding me instructed once again taking control of the situation at hand, soon enough I'm being passed to the man, now known as Peter and the other walks in the direction that George had went. Peter tried to get me to walk with him but I couldn't get my body to function so he picked me up and carried me out to the car, setting me on my feat he climbed in first then pulled me in after him. We sat in silence, as I stared into space no longer crying but I definitely was not feeling ok. After about ten minutes of waiting, Lola comes walking out of the house with two bags and bumper although the second bag didn't belong to me I know that for a fact, not even a couple of seconds later the unknown man walks out of the house with his hands in his pocket and he says something to Lola. When they get to the car Lola walks to the back putting the bags and bumper in the boot before walking back around to the front and climbing in next to the driver as the unknown man climbs into the back next to me.

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