you aren't property!

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My eyes slowly flutter open, I try to move but realise I'm being held my mind not processing what's happening yet as my eyes haven't adjusted to everything yet, it was dark and I was confused.
"кто меня держит?" (who's holding me ?) I mumbled still confused, I can't see it's so dark and all I remember is.. oh yeah.

"It's just me bunny, I have let you go. Your ok" Peters gruff voice softly announced his presence. His hand rubbing up and down my back in a soothing manner.

"You understood what I said?" My voice sounds raw, and quite.

"Yes princess we both did, we speak several languages, like just before you asked 'whos holding me?' Correct?" Theodore confirmed the fact that they understood Russian and I was doomed to never have any secret conversations with anyone ever. I didn't feel like talking so I just nodded, I tried to pull myself away from Peter but once again failed as his hands tightened around me.

"Подожди, мы больше не в машине. Где мы?" (Wait, we're not in the car anymore. Where are we?) Due to fear and confusion I happened to be speaking in Russian as that is my first language.

"No bunny, we aren't in the car anymore currently you are in our office, we just didn't want to turn the lights on as to not wake you" Peters explained softly still not letting me go despite my struggle.

"Oh, ok. I'm assuming there's going to be guidelines as to what my role is here considering that you are my owners now" I mumbled, blushing slightly at the thought of these two gods as my owners.

"Don't" Theodore growled at me making me flinch slightly. "Don't, refer to us as that. You are a person not some property." Theodore explained a lot more calmly then he seemed before.

"Ok then what, do I just call you by you're names?" I was so nervous. These man who just brought me like I was a piece of property refused to be referred to as owners when that's what they technically where.

"By our names bunny" Peter stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh...ok" my mind has finally started working, and let me tell you it has me freaking the fuck out. I'm literally sitting in the lap of one of the men who I quite literally met less then twenty-four hours ago and it wasn't in the best conditions you know with them because my 'owners' to settle my father's debt like what the hell is going on. I pushed on Peters chest this time with enough force that he let go of me cause myself to fall onto the floor, both Peter and Theodore reacted quickly and both went to pick me up of the floor but I pushed myself away from them scared.

"Shh, princess. You are ok, you're safe" Theodore spoke in a surprisingly soft voice probably in an attempt to calm my nerves.

"What got you freaking out, what happened?" Peters chimed in seemingly calm although his eyes looked over me frantically.

"I just met you...I don't know you, you can't hold me, like that. That's reserved for an intimate relationship...... although I'll probably never have one now right? As I'm someone's property" panic obvious in my voice, as my mind raced.

"Oh bunny, it was just to help you sleep and keep you comforted. I'm sorry that I made you freak out" Peters rushed out his apologies, understanding visible on his features.

"And who said you won't be able to have an intimate relationship" Theodore practically growled at me .. again.

"Theo Non ancora. (Not yet)" Peter gave Theodore a harsh look while saying whatever he said to him. If only I learnt more languages in the past. Seeing I was obviously confused and still scared Peter bent down in front of me and held out his hand.

"You're safe bunny, come sit with us and we will go over simple expectations" Peter explained what he wanted as he pulled me up from the ground softly. I sat down next to him and just waited for my 'expectations.'

"Ok Princess, we have a few things we need you to do while you are in our care:
1. You need to eat at least two meals a day although we would prefer three.
2. No locking yourself away in your room or you will no longer be allowed in a room with a lock.
3. You are never to leave the house without one or both of us.
4. Do not disrespect either of us two.
5. Take care of yourself, this includes physically and mentally.
6. No partners unless approved by both of us. That is all we ask of you." Theodore listed the rules making sure I understood what they where asking of me, it seemed fair and easy. I nodded my head at the rules giving a soft smile despite the fact that I was so scared and confused still.

"How's about I show you to your room and let you rest for a while you must be tired it's been a lot for you today hasn't it bunny?" Peters voice reassured me that it was ok to be tired after today. I nodded at Peter and stood up after him, he took my hand softly and lead me down a flight of stairs and to a floor that had four doors on it. I assumed two of the rooms belonged to the men, and one must be mine. although what was the other one? maybe a spare room, although the door was a different colour. Three of the doors where white and one was black. Peter must of noticed me staring at it because he cleared his throat.

"oh we have one more rule that we forgot to mention. DO NOT go into the room with the black door unless Theo and I are both with you and we say that we think you are ready for that room and what it entails. Please follow this rule bunny it is one of the most important." Peter avoided the topic of what that room was and pulled me towards my new room. when he opened the door to the room might heart hammered this room was stunning. did one of them have a younger sister because this room was like spot on in my style how did they do this in such a short time. My eyes filled with tears at the nice gesture of this room it was massive and perfect I didn't deserve there kindness I'm here to settle my fathers debt.

"why are you crying baby" Peter seemed worried his hands came to my waist and he pulled me into him, to comfort me. one of his hands wiped the tears that where falling from my eyes.

"It's just so perfect. I don't deserve you're kindness, I'm meant to be you're property. I'm a deal my father made with you both and you are treating me like I'm a person when I'm just property now." my voice broke as I cried harder.

"You are not property princess!" Theos harsh voices rang through the room, he sounded annoyed at me and I couldn't help but try to hide away he had a very dominating aura and it made me feel so small in comparison. Theo stepped into the room and I just nodded softly not wanting them to be mad at me, Theodore and Peter exchanged a look and then Theo nodded.

"baby do you like you're room?" Theo and Peter said at the same time causing me to giggle slightly and nod. The room was big it had a cute window seat near a bookshelf that was stacked full of books, and had a nice pink and white colour theme to the room with the bed in the middle of the room and a mirror that was decorated with little flowers around the frame. it was so cute and lovely and it just made me cry more these men seemed so caring but then again they got me to settle a dept, I don't understand why they are being so sweet.

ok so this is the end of this part so ah yeah give me whatever feedback you feel necessary. also the image up the top is how I imagine her room looking, anyway have a good day or night and make sure to eat, sleep and drink lots of water. byeee <3.

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