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~Eloise POV~

I was awoken to the sun shining through the gap in my curtain, hitting my closed eyes and bringing me into the world of the awake. Sitting up slowly I looked around the room I had stayed in last night the room that I was told would be mine, I was still confused on who's room this used to be. There was no way this room could be a guys it was way to girly. I didn't want to leave this room, I hadn't wanted to face my reality. There was a soft knock on the door, I didn't respond. Another knock, I ignored it again still not wanting to face whoever was on the other side of the door and whatever was waiting for me today. Instead of wasting there time knocking again the person on the other side of the door decided they didn't want to wait anymore and opened the door walking into my room

"When someone knocks, you answer. That's the polite thing to do princess" Theodore entered my room, he was wearing a frown and his eyes scanned over me as if looking for something that would of prevented me from answering the door.

"Перестаньте смотреть на меня, также грубо входить в комнату без разрешения." I spat rudely immediately regretting it. (stop looking at me, also it's rude to enter a room without permission.) Theodores jaw tightened and his eyes darkened slightly.

"do not be so disrespectful little girl, Peter is a lot more patient then me and I won't let you disrespect me." Theodores voice was rough and he looked annoyed with me. "также принцесса мы можем понять по-русски." Theo reminds me that they understand me and that I wont get away with being rude in another language. I huff a sigh of annoyance and glare at Theodore.

"is there something you wanted? or are you just checking that I didn't run away in the middle of the night? you wouldn't want to lose you're business deal because she ran away, right?" I half asked half accused. I noticed the way Theodores eyes scanned the room looking for any sign that I did try to escape in the middle of the night, when he seemed sure that there was no sign of an escape attempt his eyes landed on me again.

"I was coming to get you for food." Theodore started and he slightly tensed "you are also getting a physical and mental evaluation by our doctors today." Theodore quietly and kindly informs me his eyes searching for any type of negative reaction from me, and I had to go a head and break my mask down and accidentally give him what he was looking for. Panic, concern, worry, fear and anger all flashed across his face but as quick as they come they also left. A knock sounded at the door again and I once again ignored it, although because Theodore was in here he answered with a rough 'enter' his eyes never leaving my face as if looking for more of a reaction from me.

"what's taking so long Theo?" Peter asks as he enters the room, he looked between Theodore and I before realization dawned on his face. "She reacted poorly, didn't she?" Peter once again asked but his question was completely aimed towards Theodore and it seemed as I was no longer there anymore and it was just theses two men in this room. For the first time in what feels like ages Theodore took his eyes off of me and looked at his second in command.

"no, she didn't. She tried to mask it but there was some kind of I'm going to say panic and a little bit of sadness go across her features." Theodore answers Peter question and just like Theodore a range of emotions flashed across Peters face. Both of the men went back to looking at me, although as to not give away my emotions any further I stood there with a straight posture and an emotionless expression, although that seemed to annoy both of the god like men in front of me because Theodore's frown deepened and Peter reached out to me pulling me into his chest and holding me in his arms.

"bunny, why are you so worried about going to these appointments?" Peter questioned, he sounded worried but I couldn't be sure. After all I am just some businesses deal to these people.

"Нет, я" I responded bitterly getting a harsh look from both men in this room. (none ya)

"Mi sta davvero dando sui nervi con la sua mancanza di rispetto. Voglio solo farla uscire da esso." Theodore spoke harshly in Italian, his sentence aimed at his second in command and not for me that much was obvious. (she really is getting on my nerves with her disrespect. I just want to snap her out of it.)

"she will learn soon enough Theo," Peter started his response before looking directly into my eyes and continuing "Possiamo essere pazienti ancora per un po' compagno, lei sarà nostra e poi imparerà a comportarsi bene o ad essere punita." He finished, never taking his eyes off of mine. (we can be patient for a little while longer mate, she will be ours's and then she will learn to behave or get punished.) I had no clue what they where saying and I'm not sure if I liked it. By now all my anger and fight have left me and I was leaning against Peters chest as he held me against him. I hear quite talking between the two men but I must be zoned out or some shit because I cant understand what they are saying, all of a sudden I start to feel dizzy and then I figured out that I'm about to faint and that's why I'm struggling to hear what they are saying, before I can warn them everything goes dark and I feel myself slipping.

~ Hey my lovely little-elves, how are you all? I hope you are well. Anyway that's all for this part I hope you injoy please leave little notes for me through out as they fill my heart with joy. have a nice day/night and don't forget to eat, sleep and drink lots of water, love y'all bye <3~

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