The results

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~Eloise's pov~

"Can you tell me about your personal history? Family background?" The lady asked in what was I'm assuming was meant to be a comforting tone but it just upset me. I stared blankly at the psychiatric doctor and just shrugged. She looked at me and waited for a response for about five minutes before finally giving up on that question and moving on. "Ok, have you experienced any major life events recently that have affected your mental health?" She's asked in a soft tone again this time I nodded but still didn't speak, she waited again.

"M-my um father uh gave me to Theodore and Peter, and I uh idk they now like o-own me or something" I murmur, the doctor nods her head and gives me a soft smile. I wipe the few tears from my face and just shrug again.

"How would you describe your mood lately? Have you been feeling more sad, anxious, or irritable than usual?" She asked although she didn't really look like she needed me to answer her probably because of my little outburst earlier.

"Um I have been upset, and uh tired. I have kinda been upset a lot I uh yeah so ig so" I respond not really sure on what I was meant to say. Once again the lady just nods and scribbles something down before moving on.

"Have you noticed any changes in your social interactions or relationships?" The lady asked another question. I go to shrug then realise there's no point.

"I mean I no longer have a family and have only been able to talk to Theodore and Peter since yesterday afternoon when my dad shoved me off to them so i would say yeah. I mean one of the maids from my old home came along with us so that probably the only connection I will have to my old life" I feel like I'm repeating myself. Once again the lady nods and writes something down.

"Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder? If so, what was the diagnosis, and have you received treatment for it?" This time when asked she also looks at me in an observant way, as if waiting for me to lie.

"I uh yes. I was diagnosed with Dependent Personality disorder, um about a year ago..." I murmur embarrassed before clearing my throat and continuing "The person who diagnosed me um said that I um I have a habit of relying on others to take control of situations, and I often see myself as weak and less capable of most things than other people." I look at the lady and see her nodding then looking back up at me.

"It's ok to not be perfect Eloise" The doctor started, "How do you cope with stress or difficult situations?" The professionalism came back into the conversation.

"I don't, if I am stressed or struggling with something I will either lock myself away and hide from everything or just breakdown" I look anywhere but at the lady and shrug my shoulders as if it was something that was irrelevant. She just nods.

"This is the last question Eloise. Do you or have you used alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs? If so how often and in what quantities?" The second that question was asked I stilled and just looked around the room focusing on anything but the psychiatrist's. Obviously this didn't go unnoticed as the doctor clears her throat to get my attention, urging for a response from me.

"I haven't drank alcohol or smoked tobacco before nor do I intend to.... I um I have done drugs before although I didn't want to.. I was forced to and it was only once I don't remember much...." I just stare into space after stating that the doctor scribbled down what I had said, then stood up and stepped outside of the room.

~Theodore's pov~

After Peter and I left the room we both turned and looked at each other, I could tell that Peter felt bad about making our girl do this but we had to do this and that's why we hadn't taken her home yet because we both knew she needed this evaluation.

EloiseWhere stories live. Discover now