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~ Eloise ~

The sound of unchanging beeping is nagging at me, begging for me to open my eyes. I tried to ignore it for as long as possible, but it just became unbearable. Slowly, I opened my eyes to find a very bright, blinding light right above me. I blink multiple times, just trying to get my eyes to focus despite the light. I wasn't sure if somebody else was there with me, and I wasn't willing to find out everything that had happened recently was replying in my playing in my head like a movie.

"hai parlato con i medici?" (Did you talk to the doctors?) A deep voice speaks, alerting me that there was a male in the room with me most likely Theodore or Peter as the persons voice sounded sims and the language was the same one they speak.

"sì, suo padre era ovviamente molto negligente. Avrà sicuramente bisogno di un esame mentale." (yeah, her father was obviously very neglectful. She will definitely need a mental examination.) Another deep male voice speaks, obviously answering a prior question. My eyes are finally adjusted to the light, and I realise I'm in the hospital. I sit up and look at the people in the room with me, and to no surprise. It's Peter and Theodore, they were having this conversation near the entrance to my hospital room. I look around the room and know this isn't the hospital that I was familiar with, if anything it's probably nothing like most public hospital I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is a private hospital.

"Why am I here?" I question quietly, although by the way there heads snapped around to look at me it was obvious both men had heard my question.

"Bunny, you fainted this morning and because we had already planned to come here for your check up today we brought you in." Peter explained softly walking towards me, his approach was that of a predator approaching its prey, Theodore was doing the same thing. Normally that would annoy me but currently I was too focused with getting out of here. I flung my legs over the side of the bed and use my arms to push myself forward, so that both of my feet were resting on the floor before pushing myself upwards into a standing position. Just as I go to take a step forward, a strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls me into their chest and holds me just firmly enough to keep me wrapped in his arms.

"Where do you think you are going?" Theodore whispers his warm breath hitting my neck and sending a wave of goosebumps along my body. A small whimper escapes me causing my face to burn bright red as I know both men heard it and from the look in Peters eyes I had just stirred something within these men.

"Bunny you were asked a question, answer it please" Peter demanded his voice sounding deeper than normal.

"Away from here," I start my voice shaking "please I don't want to be here" my eyes well with tears.

"Love, why are you so scared of this examination." Theodore asked, his tone, softer than usual. I just shake me head 'no' and look anywhere but at the men with me, I hear a sigh then the door opens and then a doctor walks in.

"Well hello Eloise, may we talk?" A female voice questions, I look up and see an elderly lady probably in her 60's or 70's standing near the door in a white and green suit set. I nod my head shyly while looking at her only then do I notice a clipboard in her hand with the words 'Psychiatric Evaluation' once it had clicked in my head what was going on the tears that I had been trying to hold back started falling freely down my face as I shook my head 'no' rapidly. Peter moved towards me a worried expression evident on his face as he looks up a Theodore who's hands where still on my hips holding me in place as a struggle to get out of his grip in an attempt to get away. Theodore and Peter seemed to be having a conversation with just there eyes before Peter nodded and put his hand on my cheek carefully wiping the tears away even though they where still falling.

"Love why are you reacting like this?" Theodore whispers to me, he started moving his thumb in a circular motion on my hip while Peter continued to stroke me cheek wiping away my tears.

"I don't want an evaluation please.....please" I whisper making eye contact with Peter trying my best to show just how much I didn't want this. Peter just shook his head with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm so so sorry bunny, but we need to find out if you need more support with some things bunny" Peters tone was soft as he continued you try to calm me down with the help of Theodore.

"NO" I practically screamed shocking everyone in the room, including myself. More tears streamed down my face when I was the look on Peters face and felt how tight Theodore's grip on me had become I realised how much trouble I was in. "I'm sorry, please I'm sorry." I sobbed my voice weak as I stumbled over my words.

"We will talk about this later Eloise, sit down on the bed and answer the questions asked. We will go stand outside." Theodore stated in a harsh tone leaving no room for disagreement. I nodded and watched as they walked out of the room leaving me alone with the psychiatrist. She walked over to the couch next to the bed and sat in it motioning for me to sit on the bed before we began.

~ hello my lovely's I know it's been a while but here's the next part. Have a good rest of your day/night and make sure you eat, drink water and sleep lots~ <3

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