Finale Part 2

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"You know what happened last time"

"You know what happened last time"

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3 years later...

"Okay, let me finish putting your beads on and then you can play with your brother." She continued to whine as I finished her hair.

"Can I have more apples please?"

"Yes you can Kayden. Tell your daddy to get them for you." I chuckled as he immediately ran to find Dave in the house.

She began to kick her feet once her brother was no longer in her sight.

"True, sit still. You are almost done." I rolled my eyes as she began to cry.

For absolutely no reason.

"What she doing to my baby girl?" Dave immediately came into the room, picking her up out of her chair.

"You do her hair then." I said shoving the brush into his chest as he held True in one hand and apple slices in the other.

"Mommy always have an attitude." I heard him 'whisper' to True as I made my way back into the kitchen.

"Kayden, did you have fun at your granny's house." I couldn't help but match the koolaid smile that spread across his face.

"I had so much fun. I wanna go again." He said swallowing another apple slice.

For a 3 year old, Kayden was very advanced. He spoke very well and was very active. He was helpful around the house and he absolutely LOVES to make music. He's always randomly making beats on things around the house and he has a fascination with pianos.

"Did y'all make another song together?" I asked taking out my ingredients.

"Yes. Granny said it's her new favorite song. I would sing it, but granny sings it better."

"You don't like singing?" He shook his head.

"I'm gonna be a rapper." He cheesed.

"That's my boy." Dave smirked, fist bumping Kayden before walking into the kitchen with True's whole body wrapped around his ankle.

One things for sure, True was obsessed with her daddy and her brother. She was always near one of them. And if she wasn't the whole house would feel it.

I was chalking it up to her terrible two's.

"What you making sexy?" He whispered into my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist.

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