Crushing on you [Sniper Hcs]

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| Sniper x Fem!reader | 250 words |


➼ You two would have to be close friends before he even thinks about liking you in a more romantical way, you would also have to be working along side with him

➼ Seeing you fighting the Blu team from his sniper perch 0-0, watching strong woman barbarically fight men? basically makes his knees go weak

➼ Would be watching you through his scope too much, hindering his k/d ratio. Sniper's also watching your back half the time.

➼ He would look out for you, just cause he's nervous about being around you doesn't mean he isn't going to protect you from his perch.

➼ He would NOT make the first move, like come on he would be avoiding you like the plague the mere moment he gets a twinge of butterflies in his stomach.

➼ Nervous when you look at him, please don't watch him shoot he will miss and feel VERY VERY embarrassed.

➼ Bro pisses in jars he's going to try to get as clean as he can for you (hes not going to be using the 14-in-1 anymore)

➼ I see this a lot in sniper headcanons but i agree he would DEFINITELY leave animal teeth and trinkets for you, like a large piss throwing cat.

➼ Going off the last one spy has most likely watched him leave the trinkets at your door, and holds it over his head constantly. (blackmail material :3)

➼ He would confess to you either on his death bed, while drunk or if you two go out camping together.


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