Flustering Them [All Mercs]

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| tf2xfem!reader | Words: 1090 |



You grab his arm and pull him back to cover as a bullet remains where his head was.

"Jesus christ scout at least be careful"

"i - "

He's speechless, your hand still gripped around his wrist. You look angry with him, but the feeling of your touch on his wrist makes him red, you drop his hand.

"You aight there?"

"Yes! yeah i- i could've totally avoided that without ya y'know aha"

He would quickly spit out, messing up words as you raise an eyebrow as he stumbles and runs around the corner. Heart beating fast and his face red.


Im sorry but soldier does NOT get flustered, but you make his heart beat widely when you talk with his racoons in a baby voice,

"Awww aint ya cuties, whats your names huh"

"Sergeant Smith, the one with the medal is lieutenant bites

"what cuties they all are"

He says with speed as you nuzzle the raccoon and baby talk it while laughing, he's staring for a while before you look up to him.

"You okay solly?"


His heart is widely beating as you treat his pets like your own, giving them food while you think he isn't looking and always happy to see them when he takes them into base. (even if medic hates them)


They laugh and clap as you flick open a lighter to show them the hello kitty lighter you had bought.

"See! its a pink flame, isn't that cool!?"


"Anyway this is for you anyway, gotta go see medic; dont burn the place down!"

You toss them the lighter, and wave.

Pyro sits there, holding the lighter in their hands as their face is a bright red under their mask. Laughing as their body buzzed and felt her hands move to flicker the lighter

They're just happy knowing it came from you.


"Yeah, an she carried your drunk ass to bed; what a sight HA"

Scout teased, demoman's face flushed red as you walk in. Waving.

"Hey you three, what's up?"

"Tellin' ol' demo here how he ended up back in his bed"

"Yeah! an look at the drunkard"

His face was a dark red, a. hot feeling radiating as he grumbled and buried his head in his arms.

"Hm? oh yeah did you drink the water i left you?"


He mutters, you raise an eyebrow but the other two men laugh to themselves as demo grumbles into his arms.


A bowl of hot soup laid before heavy, you standing with a white apron tied around you with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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