Falling for a friend pursuing Phytotoxicology [Engineer/Medic Hcs]

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- The two of you have been friends for a few years, with your garden on the outside of his lab he likes to chat with you out his window. Since you work with plants and their toxins he likes to listen to you talk about the poisons and the effects they have on living organisms.

- Lets you ramble while he sits there with his head in his palm giving you a large maniacal smile.

- He is a deranged man so he is VERY interested with the effects some of these plants have on humans, if you dare mention something that could be used as a weapon against humans he is whipped and looking at you with large sparkling eyes.

- You have a lot of poisonous plants in your greenhouse, and some in medic's lab as decoration (be it they're safer to be around), Medic accepts any gifts like this with open arms and a large maniacal smile on his lips.

- Would buy you books on plants, and like A LOT of books Lets you use body parts for your studies, or just straight up enemy teammates he took from the battlefield for you.

"Oh Ja! before i forgot here :)"

"Medic is that the blu scout"

"Ja :)"

- You two work together with his syringe guns and you make them more deadly, so he can actually protect himself.

- Things like cardiac glycosides from foxgloves you would coat the syringes in and gift them to him and medic would give a large goofy evil smile.

- If you haven't finished your degree he aids you in studies (he had a medical license.. once)

- Confesses his love to you with a bundle of foxgloves, yellow oleanders, euphorbia and calla lilies (don't worry hes wearing gloves)




- Engineer and you have been friends for a while, and after a few drinks you mention your degree that you are pursuing.

- He gives you snacks and drinks while you are studying.

- He's got 11 phds of course he's going to help you.

- Even if he hasn't done anything within the realm of plant toxins he tries to help, makes you a small greenhouse which you can customize and change the environment within to grow more of these plants.

"Engi!? This is so cool, holy shit!"

"Well thanks darlin', all the best for you"

- Still a hc of mine he calls you darlin', sugar and other pet names while hes crushing on you.

- Listen, he may be a southern gentleman but he is a maniac who cut off his hand. He will first ask you if you need any human parts for your studies, if you say yes he's on a mission to get the enemy spy. Listen, it's killing two birds with one stone.

- You two work together in a comfortable silence, apart from the occasional radio or pyro's muffled speaking it's full of you studies your plants and engineer tinkering (and studying you)

- Plays his guitar for you, and gets you away from work when you're too stressed.

- He will look up types of toxic plants and will give them to you, more the seeds if anything.

- Lets you ramble about your studies, he sits next to you with a beer in his hand and his guitar in the other.

- Strumming it softly as you rant about your work, smiling as you talk passionately about it.

- Loves to spend quality time with you, doesn't matter if you two are silently working on two separate things he loves that he's around you.

- He confesses one night, while the sun is setting around the campfire he would remove his hard hat. Smile and with a stutter he confesses his love to you.

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