Crushing on you [Scout Hcs]

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| Scout x Fem!reader | 352 words |


⇢ Love at first sight, he would see a single woman apart from Miss Pauling and then fall heads over heels for you.

⇢ Wouldn't lose feelings for Mrs Pauling for a while, sure enough he would in the end.

⇢ "Hey babe wanna go get some chicken"

⇢ Always trying to show off, i mean ALWAYS. He needs your praise.

⇢ You trying to carry something? Hes going to find you and offer(force) to carry it for you.

⇢ Tell him he's cool (pls)

⇢ Would confess so quickly, if he sniffs out you slightly liking him back hes gonna confess there and then.

⇢ "This is for you toots!" Processed to get his ass beat by the enemy heavy with you standing there like 🧍

⇢ If you actively care for him he will fall harder in love, though he's going to keep it in and brush it off saying; "Don't worry I'm a big man!"

⇢ If you save him on the battlefield he'd freeze, then shake it off saying; "I had it under control". In reality his heart is going crazy though and he begs that you can't hear it.

⇢ Since he doesn't spend a lot of his money, mostly sending it to his mother he'd slowly start to buy you things. (A lot of what he buys you wouldn't be of your type, but he's a fast learner)

⇢ Say hello to hair gel scout, cause that hair is gonna be SMOOTH AND GELLED UP ALL FOR YOU <33

⇢ Personally I'd say that scout would one of the most normal of the mercs when he's in love with you, bros got that puppy love.

⇢ Would unconsciously lean towards you if you're near him, if you're on the couch with him he would slowwwlllyy move closer and you would only notice when your thighs are touching.

⇢ Love language is physical content <3, he wants you to touch him and would be touching you subconsciously

⇢ Would put on horror movies when you two watch movies together, hoping you'd end up curled up in his arms. He ends up screaming and holding onto you while waking up the entire base.


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